Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here!

Hello, i'm looking for someone who can make me a good looking website.

looking for someone who has experience in Vbulletin
Add me on Skype :mahmoud.belazi1

Looking for a team of experienced heavy roleplayers to start a heavy roleplay server where all players are equal. I will be funding the server host, website and teamspeak or we can split the funding.
Just to clarify that I don't want the server to be pay2win (so donators are OP against non-donators).

If interested, contact me.


I'm looking for a scripter, I need a cmd to play music globally (Everyone can hear). A rcon cmd, Please PM me

It's very hard to find a mapper, but hardly want someone who can help me in mapping.

Please skype me : Shahria.fahim1 or PM me here. Please.

Currently we're looking for the following: Community admins, helpers, light scripters

If you think you have the skills and experience required for any of the above roles, PM me either on here or E:RP forums.

Website: www.Evolution-Roleplay.com

Hello everybody,

I'm a really experienced scripter, completely trustworthy, I can deal with Y_INI, creating commands, creating anti cheats, creating maps, and alot more.
This is a video of my old server's promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGAzCxvaqdU
And it's not even updated.
Changelog of my work in my server: http://pastebin.com/6eW3hN93
And I'm willing to do scripting jobs for any of you interested.

Note: The only payment method that would work with me is transferring money using WesternUnion till I activate my bank account -paypal-.

Thank you, contact me if interested

I have California Gaming RolePlay script. I want someone who can add me features in that script. I'm ready to pay.

I'm looking for someone who can make me a script for free.

i'm looking for someone who can help me by buying 100 or 50 slots

I need a scripter to go along with my other scripter for our new RP server you can be management as well since you will be a scripter.

I”m looking a project scripter or.. a simple bit of help: i downloaded basic roleplay from sa-mp.com no errors (i changed only some sendcliendmessage and instead of /vtrunk and /vhood i deleted the „v”) but at starting(linux) it goes this:
Script[gamemodes/basic_rp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

Looking for a scripter to help me on the commands of my server. I don't really have the money, but what I'm gonna ask is simple.

Looking for creative mappers with good ideas who could make a wide variety of maps for an upcoming interesting project. Please PM me for more informations

Website: www.evolution-roleplay.com

As you're all aware I was in need of staff members to help with the community. As well as staff members, faction leaders are also required. LSPD and LS-ERS leaders are required. If you're interested in any of those positions, please fill in the following and reply here: http://www.evolution-roleplay.com/fo...php?topic=11.0

Available positions
- Management X1
- Community Moderator X2
- LSPD Leader
- LSERS Leader


How many hours can you give to E:RP per day?:
Position applying for:
Why should we choose you?:

Once again, please fill in the application and reply on http://www.evolution-roleplay.com/fo...php?topic=11.0

Hey there folks!
Me and a friend of mine are being interested to start our own server - we have a script which we kinda paid for it and now we are looking for a quite skilled scripter who's willing to assist us on this - if his job is good and he keep helping us in the future, he'll receive some kind of reward - IRL cash or some bonus in-game.

For further information, please private message me!

hi all. first of all... i dont know even a SINGLE THING About pwn/scripting, so, im looking for someone to make me a roleplay script, and also a mapper, it will be good if theres only one person to do this thing
__________________________________________________ ______________________
Looking For a Scripter. | Italy Mafia Roleplay Level: 14, 19 RPoints.
and mapper of course.
| CZ-Cops And Robbers score: 1094.


Some Information about Purity Roleplay:
- Server Hosted Tab
- Team Speak
- MyBB Forums : www.purity-roleplay.net
- 100 player slot SA:MP server
- Decent Medium - Heavy Roleplay Script

Purity Roleplay is seeking Admins/Helpers and two (3) Faction leaders for the following factions

[-]San Andreas Government
[-]Department of Corrections
[-]Federal Bureau of Investigations
[-]* Mafias/Gangs needed ALSO*

The server will be having a grand opening in the following days and these spots need to be filled!

Administrator Requirements:

* Two or more years of SA:MP Administrating on a previous server
* English much be average 5/10 or more.
* Must know how to use a MyBB forums software
* Must be able to keep professional at all times
* Must have general knowledge about SA:MP and it's limitations

IF You are interested, contact me on skype: djean_1996
Come on Teamspeak or pop up In-game and we'll have a chat!

Server Info should be in my Signature!

Looking for Mysql Scripter to Fix Script bug
Skype : mahmoud.belazi1

Looking for some one to help me to script a wanted car mission. P.S. wanted car is a car which spawns in random spawns. The players should find it and take it to A checkpoint ( the place of checkpoint won't change) then when some one found it and exported it to the checkpoint after 5 minutes , It'll respawn in another random place. (We should define random coordinates for spawn). Anyone intrested , pm me. P.S. I have all random spawns coordinates.

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