[FilterScript] New Auto C-bug System v1.2


Hi guys, today I bring version 1.2 of my script, I hope you like it!

They recommend, for example, if your server is DM, they can fit your system admin or vip, for use as a privilege at a certain level, or something.

To use it, it\'s simple, just aim, shoot, wait 1-2 seconds, and repeat the process.

If you want it faster, aim, shoot and press the space bar and repeat the process as many times as they want....

Here\'s a video demonstration.



Hola!! hoy les traigo la versión 1.2 de mi script, espero que les guste!

Les recomendaría, por ejemplo, si su servidor es DM, pueden adaptarlo a su sistema admin o vip, para usarlo como privilegio en cierto nivel, o algo parecido...

Para usarlo, es sencillo, sólo apunten, disparen, esperar 1-2 segundos, y repetir el proceso.

Si quieren hacerlo más rápido, apunten, disparen y presionen la barra espaciadora y repiten el proceso las veces que quieran.

Acá un video demostrativo.




Good & simple filterscript but I don\'t like to add an auto cbug system to my server especially for admin/vip.
Many server will just kick/ban player who use this kind of thing.
By the way,nice work.


This is slow as hell. I could do much faster for a whole clip.

And, you method is wrong, this could have been more complex.

You know what\'s even better than this? Slice\'s SKY plugin. If you use it right you can make super-fast, automatic rockets and snipers.

Gammix, It is supposed that this system is rather simple, not to be confused with the auto faster cbug ...

Crayder, thanks for the recommendation, but that\'s easy to do, in fact, i had planned to publish such Fs after finishing with another system I\'m doing ^^

I\'m surprised you managed to screw up the indentation in such a small script.

Originally Posted by Jorge98
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Crayder, thanks for the recommendation, but that\'s easy to do, in fact, i had planned to publish such Fs after finishing with another system I\'m doing ^^
You clearly don\'t understand. These types of things just can\'t be done without a plugin like SKY.

Sorry Crayder, do not know of that plugin.

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