New Auto C-bug System v1.2 -
Jorge98 - 21.12.2015
Hi guys, today I bring version 1.2 of my script, I hope you like it!
They recommend, for example, if your server is DM, they can fit your system admin or vip, for use as a privilege at a certain level, or something.
To use it, it\'s simple, just aim, shoot, wait 1-2 seconds, and repeat the process.
If you want it faster, aim, shoot and press the space bar and repeat the process as many times as they want....
Here\'s a video demonstration.
Hola!! hoy les traigo la versión 1.2 de mi script, espero que les guste!
Les recomendaría, por ejemplo, si su servidor es DM, pueden adaptarlo a su sistema admin o vip, para usarlo como privilegio en cierto nivel, o algo parecido...
Para usarlo, es sencillo, sólo apunten, disparen, esperar 1-2 segundos, y repetir el proceso.
Si quieren hacerlo más rápido, apunten, disparen y presionen la barra espaciadora y repiten el proceso las veces que quieran.
Acá un video demostrativo.
Re: New Auto C-bug System v1.2 -
Sh4d0w2 - 22.12.2015
Good & simple filterscript but I don\'t like to add an auto cbug system to my server especially for admin/vip.
Many server will just kick/ban player who use this kind of thing.
By the way,nice work.
Re: New Auto C-bug System v1.2 -
Jorge98 - 22.12.2015
Re: New Auto C-bug System v1.2 -
Gammix - 22.12.2015
This is slow as hell. I could do much faster for a whole clip.
And, you method is wrong, this could have been more complex.
Re: New Auto C-bug System v1.2 -
Crayder - 22.12.2015
You know what\'s even better than this? Slice\'s SKY plugin. If you use it right you can make super-fast, automatic rockets and snipers.
Re: New Auto C-bug System v1.2 -
Jorge98 - 22.12.2015
Gammix, It is supposed that this system is rather simple, not to be confused with the auto faster cbug ...
Re: New Auto C-bug System v1.2 -
Jorge98 - 22.12.2015
Crayder, thanks for the recommendation, but that\'s easy to do, in fact, i had planned to publish such Fs after finishing with another system I\'m doing ^^
Re: New Auto C-bug System v1.2 -
Infinity - 22.12.2015
I\'m surprised you managed to screw up the indentation in such a small script.
Re: New Auto C-bug System v1.2 -
Crayder - 22.12.2015
Originally Posted by Jorge98
Crayder, thanks for the recommendation, but that\'s easy to do, in fact, i had planned to publish such Fs after finishing with another system I\'m doing ^^
You clearly don\'t understand. These types of things just can\'t be done without a plugin like SKY.
Re: New Auto C-bug System v1.2 -
Jorge98 - 22.12.2015
Sorry Crayder, do not know of that plugin.