Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here!

I have a plan in returning into creating servers! Last time was around 3 years ago.
I used to own a server with 50 players online daily!

What i am looking for currently is:
Forum Management
In-game staff will be handpicked or accepted using applications.

14+ years of age.
Experiance of 2years.
Fluent English.

Now your going to ask me "WTF Are you going to do then??!"
I am a Graphics Designer,i've earned money by it before.
I am going to take over the GFX Parts and Video Promotions.
I am going to take care of development by controlling the Development Team.
I will have another Co-Owner or Owner with me to help me out during hard times.

You can contact me by: Skype [Alexo1213] or Forum PM.

Creating frontpages for a small sum of cash. Responsive design, optimized for smartphones and browsers.

Looking for a professional scripter, will be paid, drop me a PM.

i'm looking for admins+ and helpers+, if you think you can handle it look at my signature

Gang War Deathmatch

Professional Administrators

Drop me a PM on Skype if you are interested, and don't come instantly in game and expect administrator. You need to be active at first, and know the rules. All server info in my signature.

Looking for a professional scripter who's willing to work on a project with me and a friend, will be paid.
  • Add my skype; mike.2012

Looking for a free scripter !

I have an idea for my drifting server but I will
Need a tempban system for a drifting server!

For more info - PM me.


Creating frontpages for a small sum of cash. Responsive design, optimized for smartphones and browsers. Message me with what you want and give me a number (Ђ).

Looking for an Administrator Team! (NEW Project! EXTREMELY UNIQUE ROLEPLAY SERVER)

Looking for the following:
- Mapper (Willing to map small towns like Palomino Creek)
- Graphics Designer (Professional and being able to make Amazing Logos)

Both these staff members must have good roleplay'ing skills and be very professional.

Thank you!

Looking to hire a scripter to create a gamemode to my custom.

Contact me through PM or skype; mike.g2012.

Want to clear bugs in your server or want to add new systems?
Then swipe a message to me , I work for that .. I work only if I am paid ... Thanks

JOB! : Professional Development Team WANTS TO HIRE

An excellent Scripter.

We had two awesome servers of Hispanic Roleplay: ZenonCity and CiudadMetropolis.

Now, we are searching for the best Scripter. We are offering : An excellent payment for performing the GM, very good monthly salary and a good percentage of the profits.

Private Message

Undead Network Roleplay Server is hiring:
  • 1 Scripter, Good pay
  • A few Admins
  • Proffesional Mapper
  • Faction Leaders
  • Forum Moderators
  • Beta Testers
Head over to http://www.undeadroleplay.com (Will be up soon) or send me a PM here

Forum: http://samp-survivalinstinct.com/forum/index.php
Game Server:


Hello, me and my friends are setting up a roleplay gamemode from scratch. We are hiring PROFESSIONAL mappers. We can't pay so they will be offered admin ranks within our team. If you are interested please contact me at skype

Looking For A Professional Scripter:
To make a gamemode.
To make filterscripts.
To fix server bugs.
To update the server by making more filterscripts.

Skype Contact : mouizghouri25
******** Contact : MouizGhouri

I am looking for somewone who can help me build a nice RP Server ! I have the script / host ! PM me for details

Looking for someone to help me script. Im scripting missions using NPCs for my RP server and want someone who is enthusiastic about scripting and wants to create fun and cool ideas..

Also, hopefully you can bring a few of your ideas to the table that we can work on..

PM me your skype if your bored and wanna help me script...

Looking for the person who can provide a server and hosted tab for my TDM or for my C.S. 1.6 script. You will get Owner status on forum and in game. Basically starting a new community. PM me if you are interested.

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