Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here!

looking for somebody able to script a prison script. payment will be given depending on your work. for any more information contact dj0rdje1 on skype

Long term scripter is needed. Payment can't be offered.

Looking for somebody who wants to start a community with me.
I have DayZ script.
You should have hosted tab , server and forums

Looking for a scripting partner, to start a project with. I'm not saying anything here, just contact me on skype [aldrin.ralph] and we'll have a conversation.

Originally Posted by int3s0
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I am looking for a Photoshop expert for project I am starting. You will be paid only if project launches successfully.

- Photoshop skills
- Dedicated and creative
- Be 18 years or older, and act like that
- Steam account

If you are interested, please send me private message with more details about yourself and works you have done.
Still looking!

i've been working on my script for over months and years, and finally the server is completed, it's so unique contact me over skype i'm walling to start the server [hamada_mh2992]

Script Features
Business System
Garage System
Hunger System
ATM System
AntiCheat System
Dynamic Door System
Family System
Fire System (outside houses for Firemedics)
Gas Station
Furniture System
Toy System
Create Dealership system
Gun system for each bodypart's
Drop n give n (objects attach to player) items e.g armor/weapon/backpack


Originally Posted by Promlesbian
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Looking for a Professional Scripter!

I have a SAMP Movie project I am working on.
I need some scripting done---Ex. automatic gates,more /animations,server files need plugins to work.
need my Streamers to work,need all files checked out to be working correctly.
ALSO:Anyone that is helping me on my Project gets Credits at the end of the movie too!

I AM willing to pay for Professional work!
I do not use PayPal.

HostName: PromLesbian Productions
Players: 0 / 137
Ping: 16
Mode: Fort Carson
Map: San Andreas:GAME OVER
uh whut is tht?

I'm looking for a scripter who can edit and/or add a few things to a game-mode.
I'm also looking for someone who is good in designing/creating layouts for me to fallow on when creating maps.
I won't be able to provide payment this month.

Scripting For Money
Hello, I'm willing to script for money. A list of my released works can be found in my signature. If you are interested drop me a PM.

Hello all, i'm looking for a hoster who will wants to host a lvdm and freeroam. i can script and map, maybe possibly can get players too. So if interested please contact me on skype.

Skype: Adam_Hawk1

I'm looking for an helper
I want someone to know verry good to fix problems with mysql r39

Add mee on skype

Thank you

Looking for some helpers/administrators on my deathmatch server. Contact me via Skype. Do NOT come in game and request admin immediately, I want to see you active first.

I'd like to offer myself as a scripter in roleplay server. I have already prebuild script for roleplay servers, if you need it, feel free to PM.

Scripting For Money
Hello, I am offering my services as a scripter at a very low cost. I can script anything (TDM/DM/RP/STUNT gamemode, any filterscript, etc) for you. A list of my released works can be found in my signature. I am accepting payments via PayPal. If you are interested, drop me a PM.

i dont want script i want anyone help me about make factions

Looking for a mapper for my coming server..

PM me if you are interested to contribute to my server.

i dont have an actual server im editing a gamemode i run off my computer and i put alot of work into it already

im looking for anybody trying to help i work on it everyday i got no life but i only got 2 hands

i get so into other bugs or stuff that i want changed that i didnt even finish spawn points and vehicle spawns

if you are looking to help you can download the script or i can put it in pastebin or something and you can edit it and send me the changes im looking for

last of all if anyone is really serious about helping i can paypal 10 20 dollars here and there hey its better than nothing but you gotta actually put in work on the script and

or if you actually know what your doing you can get it done fast and earn some easy money
basicly im looking to get this whole thing finished i could pay up to 150 no higher PM ME!

Looking for somebody to beable to host my roleplaying server. will be placed as owner and receive all donations. if interested contact me via skype on deadlyroller14

I'm looking forward to work as a scripter in a developed/settled community.
Returns/Rewards: Admin status.
I'm been scripting in pawno since 2013, and I know to work with MySQL, and INI.

Requirements the server should have:
• A static playerbase of 10-20 players
• Mature owner, and administrators.
• Not an RP gamemode.

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