What happened to end of samp server?

The title pretty much explains it all so, what happened to it? That project seemed amazing and I was ready to play it. The scripters and owners were doing a lot of work so why did it abruptly stop?

What are you talking about?

EDIT: OK, ******d it. You should have posted a link to this thread. Well, as I didn't knew what it was about, I don't know what happened to the project.

The old thread is locked, no chance to post there
Also, the author seems to be inactive, I guess he just lost interest in the project and put it to sleep or gave it up.

He thought he ended SA:MP.

Kindred.. you're such a big nick digger.

I know right.

Well, I used to help Kevin aka the main dev with testing time to time but after a while he suddenly disappeared off the radar and his domain expired.

Nothing, the project ended itself.

After doing a mini research on it- The project was closed because the main developer left the project without any notification / message or anything.

You are talking about ?

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