SA-MP 0.3z RC5

Originally Posted by BRabbit
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This update only benefits players who find satisfaction in playing imaginary characters and those who are too stupid to understand lagshooting

Very nice release Kalcor! Great work, I'll be using this.

& this is how the SAMP community acts towards those with a different opinion

Originally Posted by [WA]iRonan
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Originally Posted by Riddick94
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I don't understand how people can be THAT stupid, to ask to bring back old non-stable stuff from other versions of SA-MP. How stupid you must be to ask for that, world is changing, things are changing. When they change system at your job, and you have to learn how to use it from basic again, you gonna moan to bring back old stuff? They don't give a shit, what you think
Originally Posted by MP2
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That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Originally Posted by PabloBenice
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Tes, it is the soupiest think i ever heard ;/ that guy is obliviously a mourn.
Originally Posted by V1ceC1ty
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Originally Posted by Jeffry
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*insert noob rant here*
I wish -rep was still a thing... How does better sync = RP exactly?
Originally Posted by Vince
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As it seems, the only ones that complain are clan members. How ironic. Sad that you can't own ignorant noobs anymore?
Originally Posted by AssBlaster
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Not only that, but they are now afraid to get owned by the noobs hitting them directly.
Originally Posted by LocMax
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Do you even realize how stupid does it looks?
Originally Posted by king_hual
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Do you realise how ridiculous that sounds? It's 2014.
Originally Posted by Don_Cage
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What do you cry about,you are just somone who made another account so he can cry more.
I like this update,this was tottaly unfair and thank all Programmers and Kalcor its fixed and old things never come back!
Originally Posted by Swisher
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Stop living in the past and get with the times
Originally Posted by doreto
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You compaint when their is lag shooting and cry for fix and when they fix you are going again asking for lag-shooting. I don’t get it
Originally Posted by Si|ent
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You cant hide behind your ping and mow down newbies that don't know how to aim anymore, thats all
Originally Posted by Si|ent
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If a relatively small number of veteran players ONLY care about being able to lead aim and dominate the less aware, don't get any satisfaction from the almost infinite possibilities that SA-MP presents them, then they can either stay on 0.3x servers and be happy. Or they can move on, either with or without SA-MP. There will be a queue of new people ready to step into their player slot. (Not a euphemism)
Originally Posted by Potassium
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u r dum
Originally Posted by Mauzen
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Feel free to leave if you dont like the new sync.
Originally Posted by RayW
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Oh no! A major, unintended game breaking issue was fixed! Multiplayer will now be able to be played the way it was meant to be played! If you hate this update so much, you won't be forced to update. You can stick to your buggy 0.3x lagshooting.

RIP buggy lagshooting.
Originally Posted by MP2
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One of the best things to happen to SA-MP ever IMHO. People who complain are idiots. Most of the people that complain are just annoyed that they now don't have an unfair advantage over newbies.
Originally Posted by Gryphus One
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Yeah that's true: those "pros" want to be untouchable and dominate the world. They are like feudal lords that don't want to lose their privileges and want peasants to be their slaves.
Originally Posted by Riddick94
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You can stay in 0.3x version if you want, and all lag-shot players. It's up to you, your point doesn't make sense, how you can have multiplayer and have it unstable? Multiplayers are always trying to make them as stable as possible, and you're moaning about it like a little sissy.
Originally Posted by Drebin
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Rejecting a major fix to SA-MP's sync and shooting sytem is like ancient egyptians rejecting the invention of the wheel because "they got used to moving 2 tons heavy blocks with bare hands and logs".

Come on...
Originally Posted by Danny.
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111 against 11. Clear outcome if you ask me.

A problem that has been here for very long has been fixed, we should be glad and

Originally Posted by [WA]iRonan
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Kbye. We won't miss you, it's just bad that you say many servers will stop, as they actually will move on, if you have a successfull server you will keep your server and move on. If you have experience with scripting you can create a lag shooting script..
(couldn't quote this since the topics are locked)
"Nobody likes people playing on Joypads."
"LEARN to play PC games like other people do, with keyboard and mouse. It's not a console."
"I think you're in the wrong game then"
"This is the beginning of REAL deathmatch. Quit whining, go play another game if you don't like it. OH WAIT ALL GAMES ARE LIKE THIS."
"Bullshit, Lag Shooting is crap after all so this is just good."
"Omg dat kids,why why why? ;("


Originally Posted by [MM]IKKE
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& this is how the SAMP community acts towards those with a different opinion

True story

Awesome news!

Originally Posted by V1ceC1ty
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True story
You dont like the weapon sync?
If not, you can script lag shooting by using the OnPlayerWeaponShot callback.

Originally Posted by [MM]IKKE
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& this is how the SAMP community acts towards those with a different opinions? Nice.
Oh please, if you are going to use my quotes to back up your post, at least use them in the correct context. I didn't call someone dumb for preferring the lag shooting, I called them dumb for the implication that the new update was the end of SA-MP. Do not quote me out of context.

Really Nice

Nice update, btw, can you please add a function to hide player's HUD? It'll be very useful

Originally Posted by LukasLyrics
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Nice update, btw, can you please add a function to hide player's HUD? It'll be very useful
Press F7 twice.

Originally Posted by V1ceC1ty
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Press F7 twice.
But it disables chat aswell

Originally Posted by V1ceC1ty
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Press F7 twice.
i know, but i want a function, not a keys

Holy shit! Fucking pumped! I could never script a working lag-shoot script, and finding head shots was a pain in the ass and not all that accurate, but this is here... HELL YEAH! good job.


There should be a config parameter to disable cbugging.

Originally Posted by Jeroen52
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There should be a config parameter to disable cbugging.
Just check the time between the shots to detect cbug. You can remove the extra shots then and warn the player then or do whatever you like. Disabling cbug in general is difficult, because thats GTA and not samp.

Originally Posted by Jeroen52
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There should be a config parameter to disable cbugging.
Just like I said, heres your parameter, its just not in the config, but in an include:

Noticed a small bug when testing: OnPlayerWeaponShot works well for drivebys, it just wont return the correct weaponid, but always 0.

Yay and fuck lagshot

Now we need the ability to kill people with fists when out of San Andreas.

Originally Posted by [WA]iRonan
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Now we need the ability to kill people with fists when out of San Andreas.
Yes, please.

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