Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here!

I need someone to make maps to a Payday-based server. PM me if you're willing to map one or two (or more) maps.

Vicious Roleplay is now hirring scripters
We are also hirring web designers who can create us forums!
He will recieve staff positions in the server.
We are very good server who are seeking to become a popular server.
You can contact me through PM or Skype: taha8686860!

Happy New Year!

I need scripter to change the respawn area Skype : hossam1998_2010


Looking for a second owner to help me with my COD server, the server is hosted, he must know a little script and map, we have to make like 5-6 maps , the script is 100% finished just need to make some maps, okay if you are interested, send me a pm.

Hello Guy's

Im LeoLar

i Have allReady Hosted Tab for 12Month , Anyone Would Like to Me host his server and Get CEO [Co Owner Rank] and 50% Of donation , Connact Me Via PM OR Skype :tiger0547

Dear SA-MP Members,

SAUF is currently not having enough Staff members available to give our members the best gaming experience possible, that is why we are opening our staff applications now. Below here are the requirements and the application format posted. We are currently looking for two level one staff members and one level two staff member.

- Minimal 1000 score In-game.
- Minimal 10 hours played on the server.
- Good history which means you haven't been banned before.
- You have to speak proper English.
- Minimal age of 16.

- What's your In-game name?
- What are your In-game stats (picture of your/stats)?
- How old are you?
- What languages are you speaking properly?
- Why are you wanting to become a Staff Member?
- Why should we pick you above any others?
- Motivation?
Any applications not following this format are going to be strictly ignored.

Click HERE to post your staff application (link will open in a new window)

After you have made your application the Owner will decide whether you are accepted or not.

Looking foward for a few new staff members.

Yours Faithfully,

Looking for someone who can basically make UCP for my server user control panel on site I've got databases and everything needed we can talk about the deal PM me!

Originally Posted by LeoLar
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Hello Guy's

Im LeoLar

i Have allReady Hosted Tab for 12Month , Anyone Would Like to Me host his server and Get CEO [Co Owner Rank] and 50% Of donation , Connact Me Via PM OR Skype :tiger0547
U can purchase hosted tab for max 2 months jackass.

Need a scripter URGENTLY, there are a LOT of problems.(such as everyone who joins, is made the owner)
Will get Manager rank. PM me, if you are interested.

Need a experienced TDM scripter to help me in making a TDM server.

PM me for more info.

I'm looking for experienced mappers who have played The Last of Us and can map similar to their environment in Los Santos. Contact me in proper English and be sure to leave your Skype username.

Vicious Roleplay,closed months ago due to lack of funding,is now back with new owners and absolutely new ,more emphasized and fast gamemode including a lot of features! We are now back introducing you more advanced staff team and owners than before. We are just opened so we are looking for some lead scripters and also web developers! We can't pay but we will distribute staff positions! We hope to get a lot of Pm's soon! We are already hosted [not hosted tab yet as we are looking for a hosted tab hoster!] and have a temporary forums for now. We are only accepting:
16 or more older players
Must know fluent english speaking
Must have enough time to talk to the owners
Must be active when he is needed
Must have samples before applying.

You can send me PM with the following format:
InGame Name:
Scripting Experience:
Any sample works:
Why should we accept you:
Your skype ID:

2 gamemodes ready to get ran. Freeroam and one Roleplay. PM me for more details.



I am looking for scripter.


selling 100slots color host hosting + hosted tab for 1 month
only 16 dollars pls contact me on skype : bir.singh54

Hey guys, am looking for someone who can help me to make our new TDM (Call Of Duty) Community , the gamemode is ready, and forums 75% finished. The only problem is the host. Thanks for reading.

Originally Posted by TheSnaKe
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Hey guys, am looking for someone who can help me to make our new TDM (Call Of Duty) Community , the gamemode is ready, and forums 75% finished. The only problem is the host. Thanks for reading.
I can provide host but not hosted is that ok?

Looking for a pro scripter that got full scripting time. I would pay the scripter if i could but my parents dont give me any permission to donate and stuff.
PM me or add me in skype yakupkaragoz1 then we will figure something out.

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