Y_INI Register/Login system

Hello SAMP forum! I'm currently scripting a gamemode for my server here and I've come to the part where I want to create a register/login system. Since I'm quite new to scripting I had no clue how I were going to do this.
Then I saw this tutorial: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=273088 and I compiled it and everything without any problems. I took a look into my user file and it was completly empty even though I had registered on the server.
I then decided to remove that system and try a new one, which was this https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=352703. That didn't work either, so just to be sure I took this login system: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=210277 I thought it would work since it was a fs, but nope, it didn't.

Now I'm sitting here and wondering how should I fix this? Is it because Y_INI is outdated or what? Thanks

hm..i don't know...try to reinstall it again.I'm using Y_INI and i don't have any problem
Anyway,install it without any modification [kills/deaths].

I highly doubt reinstalling it again will work. I've tried multiplie times. What do you mean with "whitout any modifications?"

I did used newbienoob's one and is working perfectly, with some changes of course.

If you still can't fix it, you can use SQL using Konstantinos's tutorial, or post you'r code incase you missed something.

I can't fix it and I don't want to use SQL. Since Y_INI is working for some people I don't know why it wont work for me, since I even tried copy pasting it exactly like the tutorial said, but it wont save anything.
If you want to see my code pm me, I don't want to post it here for everyone

use this: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=273088

1. be sure that you have folder "Users" (capital letter U) in your scriptfiles.

2. don't forget to define the path:
pawn Код:
#define PATH "/Users/%s.ini"

I have all that. As I said I can see the actual file, but it's 0kb and has nothing written in it

Originally Posted by ]Rafaellos[
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I did used newbienoob's one and is working perfectly, with some changes of course.

If you still can't fix it, you can use SQL using Konstantinos's tutorial, or post you'r code incase you missed something.
Do this is the way to go.

Originally Posted by Reera
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I have all that. As I said I can see the actual file, but it's 0kb and has nothing written in it
try to redownload the SAMP server files, and make a new pawn page,
then copy paste everything in the tutorial and compile it, then go and test

Okay guys, so when I got home from school today I did a bit of testing. First I tried using this https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=210277 as a filterscript. That did not work. The FS didn't load for me

Then I tried using this https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=273088 I first downloaded it as a filterscript, did not work. Then I tried downloading the "full package", and that didn't work. I did all this with new plugins, new serverfiles everything, compiled with all new aswell.

Please help me! I want to get this done so I can work on something new. Can it have something to say that I have a norwegian computer?

Thanks for everyone trying to help me so far!

EDIT: Now I tried installing newbienoobs tutorial into my system again. Still dosen't work. Here is my whole gamemode: http://pastebin.com/vh8D3TbK

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