Finding a Scripter

Hello Sir my name is Humza Arain
Sir i maked a Drift server now i m intresested to make a Cop And Robber Server But i cant script dont know why
I m Finding A Good Scripter who can help me and script for me if any one helped me i,ll host this server.
i saw much gameode i want a personal gamemode if any one can please please please please help me
Scripting for me please add me on skype humza.arain1
my ******** is www.********.com/humza.arain1
Please or give me your social network site so i,ll add you their

wrong thread better luck posting here:

ok Sir Thanxs for reply here Any scripter please reply me here

i profissional scriper i do program hole mod 4 u!

Well sir can you give me your skype or any socil network account?

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