Vehicle &Player healt

Hey i need help with vehicle and player healt .
If i go into car then if i crash with the car then my hp goes down .and my hp bar shows car hp ..
I dont want if my car hits wall then my hp goes to down -.-

I never tried this thing but i m also thinking is it possible .. Try it once, use it under playerenterinvehicle or playerstatechange
pawn Код:
new veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
new vHp = GetVehicleHealth(veh, health);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, vHp);
not sure but try it.

error 017: undefined symbol "health"

Sorry type it also :
new Float:health;

public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)

new veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
new vHp = GetVehicleHealth(veh, health);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, vHp);
new Float:health;

error 017: undefined symbol "health"

pawn Код:
new Float:health;
new veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
new vHp = GetVehicleHealth(veh, health);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, vHp);

no errors now , but i tested it , and still goes hp down in my hp bar if i hit with car somewhere

my hp bar like shows cars hp
and if i enter the vehicle i die automatically if i enter .

Sorry i think u want to set ur hp with vehicle hp , but i think its not possible coz how a compiler get to know that u r going to hit with wall.

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