Hello my fellow SA-MP Addicters and Community. I've been working lately on an unique project specializing features into a deathmatch script. Though I won't go into details at the moment. And in the middle of my scripting and desperation I came to a system I have never of tried, whilst and unbelieve able hard (Atleast for me) No matter how much I try it keep failuring. So I am here to request a whole system..I know it is alot to ask, but if someone felt bored, or wished to help I and a server out it would be indescribeable perfect. So if you are one willing to script an admin system after these downed PLEASE add me to msn
emilm.lorenzen@hotmail.com or reach me at sp-dm.tk (Jok4R) or PM me here. I repeat we would be so cheerful and you'd be mentioned in credits, forums, and everything likely.
Level 1[/b]
(Trial Adminstrator)
/mute /unmute /goto /gethere /slap /kick /unjail /jail /suspend /unsuspend /freeze /unfreeze /setint /makemark /gotomark /ircon /ircoff /away /back /onduty /offduty /cp /viewcmds /gotobank /gotoammu /goto4d /gotopd /gotops(pizzasnack)
Level 2 (New Adminstrator)
/mute /unmute /goto /gethere /slap /kick /unjail /jail /suspend /unsuspend /freeze /unfreeze /setint /makemark /gotomark /ircon /ircoff /away /back /onduty /offduty /rc /rcc /cp /osuspend /warn /viewcmds /gotobank /gotoammu /goto4d /gotopd /gotops(pizzasnack)
Level 3 (Main Adminstrator)
/mute /unmute /goto /gethere /slap /kick /unjail /jail /suspend /unsuspend /freeze /unfreeze /setint /makemark /gotomark /ircon /ircoff /away /back /onduty /offduty /rc /rcc /cp /osuspend /banip /setname /bslap /unwarn /fa /ufa /faa /viewcmds /gotoveh /getveh /disarm /refuelall /gotobank /gotoammu /goto4d /gotopd /gotops(pizzasnack)
Level 5(Pre-Lead Adminstrator)
/mute /unmute /goto /gethere /slap /kick /unjail /jail /suspend /unsuspend /freeze /unfreeze /setint /makemark /gotomark /ircon /ircoff /away /back /onduty /offduty /rc /rcc /cp /osuspend /banip /setname /bslap /unwarn /fa /ufa /faa /viewcmds /gotoveh /getveh /akill /missile /aclearshat /setweather /settime /announce /bc /setskinperm /disarm /refuelall /sethp /setarmor /healall /armorall /gotobank /gotoammu /goto4d /gotopd /gotops(pizzasnack)
Level 10 (Lead Adminstrator)
/mute /unmute /goto /gethere /slap /kick /unjail /jail /suspend /unsuspend /freeze /unfreeze /setint /makemark /gotomark /ircon /ircoff /away /back /onduty /offduty /rc /rcc /cp /osuspend /banip /setname /bslap /unwarn /fa /ufa /faa /viewcmds /gotoveh /getveh /akill /missile /aclearshat /setweather /settime /announce /bc /setskinperm /rangeban /setgravity /setcash /givecash /asellbiz /asellhouse /editcar /edithouse /editbiz /giveweapon /disarm /sethp /setarmor /gmx /healall /armorall /kickall /getall /gotobank /gotoammu /goto4d /gotopd /gotops(pizzasnack)
Level 1337 (Server Owner)
/mute /unmute /goto /gethere /slap /kick /unjail /jail /suspend /unsuspend /freeze /unfreeze /setint /makemark /gotomark /ircon /ircoff /away /back /onduty /offduty /rc /rcc /cp /osuspend /banip /setname /bslap /unwarn /fa /ufa /faa /viewcmds /gotoveh /getveh /akill /missile /aclearshat /setweather /settime /announce /bc /setskinperm /rangeban /setgravity /setcash /givecash /asellbiz /asellhouse /editcar /edithouse /editbiz /giveweapon /disarm /sethp /setarmor /makeadmin /kickall /healall /armorall /getall /gotobank /gotoammu /goto4d /gotopd /gotops(pizzasnack)
Kindest Regards
Jok4R, Specialized Deathmatch.