#if directive problem

I have got this code:
pawn Код:
#define fX InfoBox[boxid][iX];
    #define fY InfoBox[boxid][iY];
    #if fX - fY > 71
    #error BlaBla
So, it gives me the "constant" error.
Is there any way I can do this? I know the defination has to be constant, but I tried making it in different ways without any results.
It would be awesome if someone could help!

Didn't you ask a similar question just a few days ago? The compiler cannot calculate the values of fX and fY because they are runtime variables. They are initialized only when the script is run. I recommend you use assert(); this evaluates the expression at runtime and will exit the server with runtime error 1 if the expression evaluates to false.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Didn't you ask a similar question just a few days ago? The compiler cannot calculate the values of fX and fY because they are runtime variables. They are initialized only when the script is run. I recommend you use assert(); this evaluates the expression at runtime and will exit the server with runtime error 1 if the expression evaluates to false.
Oh yes, I did, but this is a different one (not quite, actually)
Anyways, I tried what you said:
pawn Код:
new fX = InfoBox[boxid][iX];
    new fY = InfoBox[boxid][iY];
    new s = fX - fY;   
    #assert s < 71
Gives me an error even if I equated fX = 240 and fY = 220.

I said assert() as in statement, not #assert as a directive.

Originally Posted by ******
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Just use "if" instead of "#if" (and don't use "assert").
Nah, wanted to give a compiler error or run time error.. I'll check out assert();

Compiler error is impossible if the value is set after compiling, obviously. This is why it won't work with #if #error #endif. The assert function is a "solution", although I don't see why you don't just use normal prints instead to "simulate" an error, as assert won't tell you anything else but "Assertion failed".

Well, since there's no other option.. Basically, it's this textdraw string I don't want a scripter to exceed by 33 characters which I need to check. I tried inserting the newline character after the 33rd character, but it messed up the if the scripter had used it before the 33rd character. I guess I'll use a loop like:
pawn Код:
for ( new i; .. ) { if(strfind ( string.. '~' && ch[i+1] == n && ch [i+2] == '~') break, else strins ( deststr, ''~n~'', 33)
It's a typing problem here, so try to understand what I am conveying ! This should work, yes?

No, that would in a way defeat the purpose of my FS ! It's a textdraw menu FS, so menu options can vary from '1. Buy happiness' to '1. Buy prosperity along with happiness.' !

Okay ! This is what I am gonna do:
pawn Код:
function CreateMyInfoBox(string[])
function ShowInfoBoxToPlayer ( playerid, box )
      if(strfind( box_enum[box][boxstring], "~n~" )  > 33 )
          strins( box_enum[box][boxstring], "~n~", 30 );
So you are saying I could do something like this?

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