Interior Object Question

Originally Posted by ssǝן‾ʎ
Originally Posted by !MaVe
Originally Posted by ssǝן‾ʎ
Objects don't show up in interiors.
Eeh, may i correct you? In my old server i had objects in almost every interior.
Yes you may, thank you.
Heh, I think he's having erection.
He's like (god damnet, I just corrected Y_Less!)
And Y_Less why did you think objects can't be in interiors?
Because of another interior id?

Originally Posted by Zeromanster
Originally Posted by !MaVe
Are you using a streamer? maybe boylett's xStreamer plugin?

I think that plugin has a maximum height..
Okay, after i read your post i went searching for a xStreamer, i downloaded it and installed it like it says in the Readme file.

I put:
pawn Код:
CreateStreamedObject(969, 246.525924, 70.778434, 1005.640625, 0.0, 0.0, 359.816467, 1, 6);
Under the:
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
And again... the same problem, the object just doesn't show up
The xStreamer's objects should look like this

pawn Код:
Core_CreateObject(969, 246.525924, 70.778434, 1005.640625, 0.0, 0.0, 359.816467,500);
not like this

pawn Код:
CreateStreamedObject(969, 246.525924, 70.778434, 1005.640625, 0.0, 0.0, 359.816467, 1, 6);

Originally Posted by Dujma
The xStreamer's objects should look like this

pawn Код:
Core_CreateObject(969, 246.525924, 70.778434, 1005.640625, 0.0, 0.0, 359.816467,500);
not like this

pawn Код:
CreateStreamedObject(969, 246.525924, 70.778434, 1005.640625, 0.0, 0.0, 359.816467, 1, 6);
I tryed it and I got an error, "undefined symbol"

You have to link the objects to the interiors thats how i do it....

LinkObjectToInterior(Objectid, x,y,z,rotz,roty,rotx,Interiorid);

But i have made my own include but there is deffo a way to make it link with the interiors

Originally Posted by Tangereeno
You have to link the objects to the interiors thats how i do it....

LinkObjectToInterior(Objectid, x,y,z,rotz,roty,rotx,Interiorid);

But i have made my own include but there is deffo a way to make it link with the interiors
Again, LinkObjectToInterior is an "undefined symbol" ...

c'mon people... i just want a gate inside the LSPD...

lol, you do not have to link an object to an interior no matter what the object is still there. an object is in every interior.

zzerio if what i gave you doesnt work than something is wring with your thing, maybe because its a godfather.

Originally Posted by Zeromanster
c'mon people... i just want a gate inside the LSPD...

Have you got another objects in your GM? how many?

Originally Posted by !MaVe
Have you got another objects in your GM? how many?
I've got 9 objects outside, and 1 object inside that doesn't show up ...

oups, i mean 10 objects outside, and 1 inside that doesn't show up...

EDIT: sry for DP

TIP: Dont use Seifs IG object editor its pretty buggy. I used it none of mine would show up either.

Use Kapils Ingame object Editor,

Originally Posted by Kidbass
TIP: Dont use Seifs IG object editor its pretty buggy. I used it none of mine would show up either.
I don't have the problem with an in-game object editor, i have the coordinates, i put the CreateObject (Coords) below OnGameModeInit and it doesn't work, i mean the object doesn't show up.All the objects on my server are working except those that are in interiors.... neither one object that was in an interior doesn't show up

Perhaps the object is transparent from one side? Or its too low? Just because the center of the object is supposed to be somewhere, doesnt mean the object is square.. like, it could be a rotation issue.

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