How popular are trucking servers?

how popular are trucking servers?
I ask ecause I am currently making one and i want to see how many potential players i can get.

also, what would you look for in a trucking server? and what features should my server have in order to attract you?

Where is CNR??

oops, frgot about that one, sorry

I am playing on a stunt/DM/Freeroam/Race and at a CNR...

I might be the only person who likes Aviation in this forum. Anyways, there are lot of Trucking servers out there which has a decent playerbase. It all boils down to the features and the uniqueness of your gamemode. Not only that, the website is a factor as well.

Displaying top, best, vips, bans, market, online players on your website is a huge plus. Professionalism is also a big factor.

Long story short, there are lots of Trucking servers which are popular.

Man, RP servers are the best and MMORPG too.

A friend of mine has a trucking server, and it's rare to not see a single person on it. It always has 5-20 players playing on it.

And as for the poll, I don't really like trucking that much. I do enjoy playing on the server i just mentioned, but i have only completed something like 9 missions. As a tip i would like to add, that make multiple classes to your server, like pilot, mailman, streetsweeper or something like that, not just trucking. Tat way people will have a choise, and that will surely keep them interested to play on your server.

They are quite popular, but believe me, there are already enough around.
Especially due to this.

Search for "truck"

Ok, thanks for the info!

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