Suggestions Thread

Change the weather changes with work ID. Make a single application effects of weather.
SetPlayerRainDriving(playerid, toggle);
SetPlayerLightSprays(playerid, lighttype);
and more.
It allows to smoothly change the weather.

And... This -

Adding default NPCs (citizen, cops) just like in singleplayer, the problem I guess that it won't be 100% synced.... Like GTA IV style :3

Originally Posted by TheArcher
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Adding default NPCs (citizen, cops) just like in singleplayer, the problem I guess that it won't be 100% synced.... Like GTA IV style :3
I support the idea for adding default NPCs, but that will sync a large amount of data I think, which is possible to make players who have worse network to be desynced.
For the one without sync, players may see some others die suddenly when they are walking along the street, while there is no one. However, actually the dead player is killed by some NPCs. Yes it reduces the network usage, but some other problem will occur.

The idea is always good, but how to handle the problems it produced is more important.

Originally Posted by leong124
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I support the idea for adding default NPCs, but that will sync a large amount of data I think, which is possible to make players who have worse network to be desynced.
For the one without sync, players may see some others die suddenly when they are walking along the street, while there is no one. However, actually the dead player is killed by some NPCs. Yes it reduces the network usage, but some other problem will occur.

The idea is always good, but how to handle the problems it produced is more important.
Use this:

SetObjectScale(objectid, scale); would be awesome.

like SetObjectMaterial(object, 1 - normal, -1 - smaller, 2 - bigger).

underline text in a Dialog

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Header","{u}Text with undeline{n}Normal Text","","");


Originally Posted by Theo123
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underline text in a Dialog

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Header","{u}Text with undeline{n}Normal Text","","");
Agree! And maybe more, like BBCode "{u},{i},{b}" etc

Make per-player GangZone functions to let us use Gamer_Z positioning system plugin and then we will be able to make navigating a'la GTA IV style (showing road on the mini-map/radar)

I guess it's possible to do, because some sort of thing has been already done (per-player textdraw)

And my proposal is different ^,^
create for roadmap and changelog...

Originally Posted by virt2323
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We need that, because if we join a server and we won't preload animation and we call animation that library wasn't preloaded, the animation won't be applied.
I preload the animation when it's the first time for the player to do that animation. I won't preload all of them at once, because it's not very efficient and it may also crash some players who don't have that animation for different reasons.
Sill, it is a bug and should be fixed.

Originally Posted by AirKite
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TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, controlkey, bool:toggle)
pawn Код:
// Example: new TogglePlayerControllableEx (without mouse blocking)
stock TogglePlayerControllableEx(playerid, bool:toggle) {
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_UP,               toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_DOWN,             toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_LEFT,             toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_RIGHT,            toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_CROUCH,           toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_JUMP,             toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_FIRE,             toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK  toggle);
Originally Posted by AirKite
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I did mistake in my suggestion code. Fixed:
pawn Код:
native SetPlayerListenKeyFrequency(playerid, counts, pertime) - Available Frequency (counts per time).
// Example: SetPlayerListenKeyFrequency(playerid, 10, 5000); 10 count of push in 5 seconds Available. (Other Client must NOT SENDING TO SERVER) - (and server must protect if client not follow this rule, disconnect (scriptable or in code samp-server)).

native SetPlayerListenKey(playerid, keycode, bool:toggle) - return true or false.
// Example: SetPlayerListenKey(playerid, KEY_CODE_ENTER, true);

native GetPlayerListenedKey(playerid, keycode) - return true or false
// Example: GetPlayerListenedKey(playerid, KEY_CODE_ENTER); Should return TRUE if key is down.

public OnListenedKeyResponse(playerid, keycode, updown);

// Example script:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {
    SetPlayerListenKeyFrequency(playerid, 10, 5000);
    SetPlayerListenKey(playerid, KEY_CODE_ENTER, true);
    SetPlayerListenKey(playerid, KEY_CODE_F12, true);

public OnListenedKeyResponse(playerid, keycode, isdown) {
    if(keycode == KEY_CODE_ENTER && isdown) { // DOWN
        // Show dialog text "You Pushed ENTER"
    } else if(keycode == KEY_CODE_F12) {
        if(isdown) { // DOWN
            // SHOW TEXTDRAW (CLOCK - TIME)
            // Send Chat, like: /me looked watch
            // Aply animation (see on clock (hand))
        } else { // UP
            // HIDE TEXTDRAW (CLOCK - TIME)
            // CLEAR animation (see on clock (hand))
These features would completely change sa-mp. It'd be up to the server owner which keys he wants to work with, maybe he doesn't want OnPlayerKeyStateChange to be called when a players presses KEY_NO, KEY_YES or any other button. With this feature they could also include all keys without the risk to using a lot of resources and lagg in the server (as i think that was the main reason why Kalcor didnt want to add them). It'd be up to the owner if he wants to lagg his server by using all the keys just like lots of timers can ruin a server. Also if its not possible to stop recording keys onplayerconnect maybe these settings should be set up during ongamemodeinit or in server.cfg

1. I propose to increase the game slots until 2000 because there is a server on which the 1000 players online and do not have enough space.

2. I propose to increase the maximum number of machines on the server to 3000 pieces.

3. I propose to make a button on the SA-MP client that changes the theme and topics themselves from swing, swing to a folder that will be reflected in the client to change.

4. I propose to make SA-MP client in several languages, including Russian.

5. I propose to add new objects such as: the grave.

Originally Posted by leong124
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I preload the animation when it's the first time for the player to do that animation. I won't preload all of them at once, because it's not very efficient and it may also crash some players who don't have that animation for different reasons.
Sill, it is a bug and should be fixed.
So hopefully that will be fixed.

Originally Posted by Roman_Mikranov
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4. I propose to make SA-MP client in several languages, including Russian.
It's a great idea, I would help with Italian.

Originally Posted by [GF]Sasino97
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It's a great idea, I would help with Italian.
You can make it yourself. And the English language is an official language in Europe. The Italy are in the Europe.

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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You can make it yourself. And the English language is an official language in Europe. The Italy are in the Europe.
He means the client interface...

All suggestions are very good I will be happy to add them

Originally Posted by TheArcher
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He means the client interface...
That's what i said. You can do it yourself.

It is an excelent idea +1 to my suggestion if u want :P

Add an Unique ID or KEY for each samp's program installed for avoid ban, and add a function for filterscript with a string as return....

GetUniqueKey(); -> You can get a unique id for each user, based in Hard Disk Number or Mac Address...


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