Suggestions Thread


GetPlayerCurrentSound() - gets the current playing sound from PlayPlayerSound()

plz make this i will send beer

pawn Код:
// Attach Vehicle To Object
native AttachVehicleToObject(vehicleid, objectid, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ, Float:RotX, Float:RotY, Float:RotZ);

// Attach Vehicle To Vehicle
native AttachVehicleToVehicle(vehicleid, tovehicleid, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ, Float:RotX, Float:RotY, Float:RotZ);

// Set Vehicle Rotation
native SetVehicleRotationQuat(vehicleid, Float:w, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
Make "T" key - open chat on any layout keyboard. (Any lang: Eng/Rus/etc)

pawn Код:
native ConnectToTeamspeak(playerid,IP);
native OpenURL(playerid,website[]);//website open with standard browser
native SelectGTAObject(playerid); // Standard GTA objects clicktable....
native SetPlayerGravity(playerid, garvity);
checkboxen in textdraws....

Let us record Train path to play. Not only from default San Andreas path. It's usable to create metro (my idea, i made objects and i need it..)

pawn Код:
native ToggleVehicleCollision(bool: toggle);
native EnablePlayerGhostMode(playerid, bool:toggle);

native SetCheckpointColor(checkpointid, color);
native SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, type, color,Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:nextx, Float:nexty, Float:nextz, Float:size);
this is very useful for race server +9999999

I'm not sure if it's in here somewhere already, because it seems like such a small thing, hehe.

SA-MP doesn't recognize the "%" it would show as "#" in the chat and only recognizes a few alt-codes.

So, I suggest to update a bit on these symbols and "useful" alt-codes.


Perhaps there could also be something done about the passenger drive-by?

I think I've just read this one already somewhere, to re-enter the vehicle by pressing "H" again, instead of having to get out of the vehicle to get your head back in the car.

Besides that, the Desert Eagle is firing like a minigun at the moment, way too powerful, hehe.
And perhaps have all weapons compatible for drive-by, as the RPG, Flamethrower, Grenades, etc.

Not sure if possible, but to have a maverick available for passenger drive-by as well.

Originally Posted by Zephyr
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SA-MP doesn't recognize the "%" it would show as "#" in the chat and only recognizes a few alt-codes.
It's not that SA-MP doesn't recognize this symbol, it's just blocked because it is a vulnerability. You can send commands to the server, and do malicious things (I don't know much about this!) using the % (percent) sign.

I'm also pretty sure you CAN replace that symbol in the script of a server.

Player sends chat "%%%%"
SA-MP client changes "%%%%" to "####"
SA-MP client sends "####"
SA-MP server receives "####"
Server script takes over and changes "####" to "%%%%"
Message "%%%%" sent to client(s).

SetVehicleHex(vehicleid, hex);
Same as the vehicle color function, just you can use hex colors like in MTA.

increase map icons, its not enough 100 mapicons :/

Originally Posted by mineralo
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increase map icons, its not enough 100 mapicons :/
Use a streamer.

I hope my suggestion of raising the MAX_VEHILES limit to 4000 doesn't go unnoticed.

Yes, moar vehicle slots is seriously needed!

Originally Posted by Horrible
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Detect player shoot an object will be great
Shoot and general destruction detection, for the 2154135th time, it's EXTREMELY useful in RP

pawn Код:
native GetPlayerScreenResolution(playerid, width, height);

Something for textdraw/screen ratio fitting problem. Suggestion in above could be handy for this.

And waves are already synced, so why SetWaveHeight function still doesn't added?!

Allow adding rainfree area in custom IPL files, or any function that can disable/enable raining for a specific player, so that we can dynamically control it.

If you aim with a sniper and you are wearing hats or something, you see them. Kye should remove the attached player objects while aiming with sniper for the player. (not for everybody, but only for the player who is amining)

- Function to disable the HUD und minimap.
- Function to get the hardware id.

leong124 SetPlayerWeather

add text formatting to dialogs. bold, underline, etc

golf cart gives you a weapon. disable it, please.

Something that I think is really missing out.


Sends a player(playerid) to another server(IP)

Make it so that particle effects can be shown in the new 0.3x selection menus. Currently if you specify a particle effect, you just get a small grey square.

Originally Posted by AirKite
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pawn Код:
// Toggle Controllable for single Keys
native TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, controlkey, bool:toggle);

// Example: Block KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK (VEHICLE_ENTER_EXIT). Make a lock door (Inside\Outside) system.
TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK, false);

// Example: Block fire in Hydra
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate) {
    if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == 520) {
        TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_FIRE, false); // VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON
        TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_ACTION, false); // VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON_ALT
    } else {
        TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_FIRE, true); // VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON
        TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_ACTION, true); // VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON_ALT
    return 1;

// Example: new TogglePlayerControllableEx (without mouse blocking)
stock TogglePlayerControllableEx(playerid, bool:toggle) {
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_UP,               toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_DOWN,             toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_LEFT,             toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_RIGHT,            toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_CROUCH,           toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_JUMP,             toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_FIRE,             toggle);
    TogglePlayerControllableKey(playerid, KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK  toggle);
Oooh yes, this function, combined with suggested by you SetPlayerListenKey, will be really useful. It would be cool.

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