07.02.2012, 13:50

I'm posting a thread about all the maps i ever created for ie4mp (InferNus` Engine 4 MultiPlayer - Look here)
Right now (Version 1.6) there are 5 maps:
- Shipment (v1.0)
- Wet Work (v1.1)
- Factory (v1.1)
- Dam (v1.5)
- Refinery (v1.6)
Every map has their own Loading screen picture (To make it look like Call of Duty), Scroll down to see the Pictures.
Also i made a video for the following maps: (I'll add more as soon as more will be published)
- Refinery (v1.6)
Shipment (1.0)
Shipment was the first map created for ie4mp, Very small and based on the objects of th Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare map objects, Shipment (All the objects are... containers).
This map is the smallest (i think) and built for fast actions, Not for campers...

Wet Work (1.1)
This map is the first map created in the night,
Built on the Call of Duty 4: Modern warfre map Wet Work, Also here most of the objects are containers.
Sometimes you'll see that Sniper is very useful here.
Note: The loading screen was created before mapping the ship. Means there are more objects than you might think.

Factory (1.1)
The map is very big, Have alot of sniping spots, and alot of camping spots, Alot of cover can be found, And this map is also at the night.

Dam (1.5)
Map built on the "Sharmen Dam", Added alot of objects (90-100)
And it's the first map using out-of-map object to add more gameplay effect. As you might notice,
You can find a launch facility in one of the sides in the map.

Refinery (1.6)
Personaly, It's my favorite map, In this map, Massive out-of-map object created, Which ca effect the gameplay alot, Makes the player small, little, ti-tiny.
Look at the massive big objects. Also the map have an exploding area, That have smoke screen and being exploded every 2 second, the area is out-of-the-map.

Version 1.0
Version 1.1
Version 1.5
Version 1.6
Have fun!