06.02.2012, 19:18
Last edited by InferNus`; 07/02/2012 at 11:49 AM.
Version 1.6
* 5 Maps - Shipment, Factory, Wetwork, Dam, Refinery
* 1 Gametype - Team Deathmatch
* Systems: Admin, Killstreak
Version 1.0
Version 1.1
Version 1.2 Skipped
Version 1.3 Skipped
Version 1.4 Skipped
Version 1.5
Why is it an Engine
Im calling it Engine because i'll give many updates to update the script, Maps, Gametype, System, etc...
New Features
Killstreak system is here!
Well, i built poor Killstreak system, With 3 Killstreak rewards (for now)
* Death Machine
* Joggernaut
It is poor but as i said:
Originally Posted by InferNus`
Why is it an Engine
Im calling it Engine because i'll give many updates to update the script, Maps, Gametype, System, etc... |
Second boost:
Ofcourse a new map, Meet Refinery.
The map have was built to make a feeling of being small, As all the objects are big and tall...
Also the map have an "Exploding Area" - Which 3 explosions blow up every second...
And last, Friendly fire disabled, Due to the fact that the Teams based on SetPlayerTeam.
Refinery Loading Screen
Refinery Video
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V7DBCAr8R0] Refinery Preview - by InferNus`[/ame]
Requirements (All included in download)
1. IQ over 75.
2. Dutils.inc by DracoBlue
3. Incognito's Streamer 2.6
4. FileManager 1.2 by JaTochNietDan
5. Samp Server Files
Download via Mediafire
InferNus`(Hellhound / aGhillieSniper) - Creating the Engine.
Incognito - For the amazing Streamer
DracoBlue - For dutils.inc
JaTochNietDan - For the File Manager
Version 1.6 [ADDED] Map "Refinery" Added [ADDED] New Killstreak System! [UAV, Death Machine, Joggernaut] [FIXED] Gameplay improved - No friendly fire. Version 1.5 [ADDED] Map "Dam" Added [ADDED] New Admin Script added [PREFIX] Commands prefix changed from '/' to "!" (Example: /help > !help) [MOVED] All commands moved to filterscript admin.pwn Version 1.1 [ADDED] Map "Factory" Added [ADDED] Map "Wet Work" Added [FIXED] When Player Connected when the Game Ends the The Overall scores being Shown, He won't se the Scores.