[Include] SQLite Improved

The built-in SQLite is more powerful than most people realize. One issue, however, is that the native functions given are very few and low-level. This library is doing something about that!

While this library mainly has functions that facilitate development, it also brings new functionality and solves crucial bugs.

A few issues taken care of:
  • You can see error messages from db_query (for example, no such column name: test).
  • NULL values in results caused the server to crash when using db_get_field.
  • Freeing results twice caused a crash.
  • Not freeing results at all caused memory leaks. SQLitei will take care of this, though you should still free results (especially if you're running many queries in a loop for example).
  • You couldn't browse through results back and forth - db_next_row was the only function available.
One of the main features of this library is the prepared statements. I'll try explaining it with a couple examples below.

Prepared statements

Inserting data

Example of how it could look to insert a row into a database:
pawn Code:
// Prepare a statement
new DBStatement:stmt = db_prepare(db, "INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(?, ?, ?)");

// Set the values for the question-marks (first one is 0, second one is 1, etc.)
stmt_bind_value(stmt, 0, DB::TYPE_FLOAT , 123.456);
stmt_bind_value(stmt, 1, DB::TYPE_INT   , 1234567);
stmt_bind_value(stmt, 2, DB::TYPE_STRING, "there's no need to \"escape\" anything!");

new array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
stmt_bind_value(stmt, 2, DB::TYPE_ARRAY, array, sizeof(array));

// Run the statement

// Then close it
Reading data

pawn Code:
// These variables will be used to store the data
new Float:float_value, int_value, string_value[128];

// Prepare a new statement
new DBStatement:stmt = db_prepare(db, "SELECT a, b, c FROM mytable");

// Bind the results. Whenever a row is fetched, the variables passed to stmt_bind_result_field
// will have their values set to the respective field (by its index).
stmt_bind_result_field(stmt, 0, DB::TYPE_FLOAT , float_value);
stmt_bind_result_field(stmt, 1, DB::TYPE_INT   , int_value);
stmt_bind_result_field(stmt, 2, DB::TYPE_STRING, string_value, sizeof(string_value));

// Execute the statement!
if (stmt_execute(stmt)) {
    // When the last row is fetched, the result will be freed.
    while (stmt_fetch_row(stmt)) {
        printf("float:   %f", float_value);
        printf("integer: %d", int_value);
        printf("string:  %s", string_value);

// Close the statement
More examples

You can easily, for example, change single params or binds and execute the statement again. Examples on this later.
For now, you can have a look through the following ready-to-run gamemode for more examples:


Download: sqlitei.inc

Each function is described below.
pawn Code:
// DB connections



            db_get_struct_info(DB:db, offset)
            db_set_struct_info(DB:db, offset, value)

// Queries and results
   DBResult:db_query(DB:db, query[], autorelease = true)
       bool:db_exec(DB:db, query[])
            db_insert(DB:db, query[])
            db_query_int(DB:db, query[], field = 0)
      Float:db_query_float(DB:db, query[], field = 0)

            db_print_result(DBResult:dbresult, max_field_length = 40)

            db_set_row_index(DBResult:dbresult, row)

            db_field_name(DBResult:dbresult, field, result[], max_length)
            db_get_field(DBResult:dbresult, field, result[], max_length)
            db_get_field_assoc(DBResult:dbresult, field[], result[], max_length)
            db_get_field_int(DBResult:dbresult, field = 0)
      Float:db_get_field_float(DBResult:dbresult, field = 0)


            db_escape_string(string[], enclosing[] = "'", size = sizeof(string))

// Prepared statements
DBStatement:db_prepare(DB:db, query[])

       bool:stmt_execute(&DBStatement:statement, store_result = true, auto_free_result = true)

            stmt_bind_value(&DBStatement:statement, param, DBDataType:type, ...)

            stmt_bind_result_field(&DBStatement:statement, field, DBDataType:type, ...)

Database connections

Open a database.
Close a database. If the database is persistent, it will be closed but re-opened if you do something with it.

Open a persistent database. A persistent database only has to be opened once. When it's not being used, it will be closed then re-opened when used again.
Check if a DB handle is persistent.
Free a persistent database; as opposed to db_close, this will actually free the database completely.

Return the number of changes made by the previous query.
Return the total number of changes made since the DB was opened.
Return the rowid from the last row you inserted. See this if you don't know what "rowid" is.

db_get_struct_info(DB:db, offset)
Get information from the SQLite C-struct. Mainly used internally.
db_set_struct_info(DB:db, offset, value)
Same as above, but sets it.
Queries and results

DBResult:db_query(DB:db, query[], autorelease = true)
Query the database and return the result. All results will be autoreleased by default, unless the 3rd argument is "false".
bool:db_exec(DB:db, query[])
Run a query and return true if it succeeded.
db_insert(DB:db, query[])
Run a query and return the rowid of the inserted row. Again, see this if you don't know what "rowid" is.
db_query_int(DB:db, query[], field = 0)
Run a query and return an integer from the first row at field 0 (or another field if specified in the 3rd argument).
Float:db_query_float(DB:db, query[], field = 0)
Same as above, but return a float value.

db_print_result(DBResult:dbresult, max_field_length = 40)
Print out the full result from the query. This doesn't change the result's current row index, so you can use the result as usual.

Return the number of rows in the result.
Go to the next row. Returns true if there was another row to go to, otherwise false.
Get the current row index (i.e. if you use db_next_row twice the row index 2).
db_set_row_index(DBResult:dbresult, row)
Set the current row index.

Return the number of fields in the result.
db_field_name(DBResult:dbresult, field, result[], max_length)
Get a field name.
db_get_field(DBResult:dbresult, field, result[], max_length)
Get a field's value as a string.
db_get_field_assoc(DBResult:dbresult, field[], result[], max_length)
Get a field's value as a string. The field is specified by its name instead of an index.
db_get_field_int(DBResult:dbresult, field = 0)
Get a field as an integer.
Float:db_get_field_float(DBResult:dbresult, field = 0)
Get a field as a float.

Make the result automatically be freed after the current callback finishes.
Free the result.
Returns whether or not the result was freed. Note that this only works until you open another DB or perform another query. It should be avoided.

db_escape_string(string[], enclosing[] = "'", size = sizeof(string))
Escape a string for use within a query.
Prepared statements

DBStatement:db_prepare(DB:db, query[])
Prepare a statement. Put question marks as placeholders for values to be inserted. Don't put quotes around the question marks.

bool:stmt_execute(&DBStatement:statement, store_result = true, auto_free_result = true)
Execute a statement. Returns true on success.

stmt_bind_value(&DBStatement:statement, param, DBDataType:type, ...)
Bind a value to a question mark (first question mark is param 0, second one is 1, etc.).

stmt_bind_result_field(&DBStatement:statement, field, DBDataType:type, ...)
Bind a field in the result to a variable.
Skip the current row.
Fetch a row and go to the next one. When there are no rows left, the result will be freed and the function returns false.
Return the number of rows left.
Free the result from the previous statement. Not necessary as the statements take care of that themselves anyway.

Close a statement.
Make a statement automatically close after the current callback.

Awesome release!

Yes, it's a cool Include. Why don't you try to release an improved for MySQL?

again a cool release

Great, little typo here. "new float_value, int_value, string_value[128];" shouldn't it be new Float:float_value, ...

Looks nice (:

Awsome man !
Rep +

Nice one slice . Your releases with SQLite are pretty awesome .

Nice include!

fucking awesome

Good to see this released (already discussed on IRC) :P

well scripted, well documented so well done!

Thanks for the feedback.

@Kar: Yeah, slipped my mind somehow!

  • Added stmt_autoclose.
  • Memory usage decreased significantly.
  • All functions now accept both packed and unpacked strings.
  • Minor bug fixes and optimizations.

Fuck you I am not going to rewrite my db functions once again

Originally Posted by Finn
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Fuck you I am not going to rewrite my db functions once again
Was that an insult?

Originally Posted by TheArcher
Посмотреть сообщение
Was that an insult?
No, it was sarcasm.

Pretty damn awesome. Very useful for host that don't have MySQL.

  • Added db_open_persistent, db_is_persistent, db_is_valid_persistent, and db_free_persistent.
    Persistent databases work exactly the same as ones you open with db_open, except for one thing: you only have to open it once. No, the database won't be constantly open.
    pawn Код:

    public OnGameModeInit() {
        g_db = db_open_persistent("mydb.db");
        db_query(g_db, "...");
        // The db will now close

    public OnSomethingSomething() {
        // SQLitei will detect that the db is closed and open it
        db_query(g_db, "...");
        // The db is still open
        db_query(g_db, "...");
        // The db will now close
  • Added db_query_autofree.
    This is just like db_query, except it will free the result for you when the current callback finishes executing. No need to use db_free_result.

    Note: Do not use db_free_result on results from this function.
  • Added db_get_field_int and db_get_field_float.
    By default, it will fetch field 0. You can add an additional argument to specify another field.

    Quickly fetch an integer or float from a result. Example:
    pawn Код:
    new user_count;

    user_count = db_fetch_int(db_query_autofree(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users"));

    printf("There are %d users registered.", user_count);
  • Corrected a few SQLite natives.

surely gonna use it

Awesome work...


  • Added two new types for stmt_bind_value:
    • DB::TYPE_WP_HASH: Puts a BLOB value of a whirlpool hash from the given string into the query (ex. x'FFAA4411...').
    • DB::TYPE_PLAYER_NAME: Puts a player name from the ID passed.
    Note that DB_USE_WHIRLPOOL must be defined as true in order for DB::TYPE_WP_HASH to work.
  • Added the preprocessor options DE_DEBUG (logs debug info) and DB_LOG_TO_CHAT (prints log messages to chat).
  • Improved the way results are dealt with internally to avoid crashes at all costs.
  • Added debug messages pretty much everywhere (shown if DB_DEBUG is true).
I'm also releasing an example of a gamemode with login and register commands using ZCMD and Whirlpool!
Download demo!

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