SQLite Improved -
Slice - 14.12.2011
The built-in SQLite is more powerful than most people realize. One issue, however, is that the native functions given are very few and low-level.
This library is doing something about that!
While this library mainly has functions that facilitate development, it also brings new functionality and solves crucial bugs.
A few issues taken care of:
- You can see error messages from db_query (for example, no such column name: test).
- NULL values in results caused the server to crash when using db_get_field.
- Freeing results twice caused a crash.
- Not freeing results at all caused memory leaks. SQLitei will take care of this, though you should still free results (especially if you're running many queries in a loop for example).
- You couldn't browse through results back and forth - db_next_row was the only function available.
One of the main features of this library is the
prepared statements. I'll try explaining it with a couple examples below.
Prepared statements
Inserting data
Example of how it could look to insert a row into a database:
pawn Code:
// Prepare a statement
new DBStatement:stmt = db_prepare(db, "INSERT INTO mytable VALUES(?, ?, ?)");
// Set the values for the question-marks (first one is 0, second one is 1, etc.)
stmt_bind_value(stmt, 0, DB::TYPE_FLOAT , 123.456);
stmt_bind_value(stmt, 1, DB::TYPE_INT , 1234567);
stmt_bind_value(stmt, 2, DB::TYPE_STRING, "there's no need to \"escape\" anything!");
new array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
stmt_bind_value(stmt, 2, DB::TYPE_ARRAY, array, sizeof(array));
// Run the statement
// Then close it
Reading data
pawn Code:
// These variables will be used to store the data
new Float:float_value, int_value, string_value[128];
// Prepare a new statement
new DBStatement:stmt = db_prepare(db, "SELECT a, b, c FROM mytable");
// Bind the results. Whenever a row is fetched, the variables passed to stmt_bind_result_field
// will have their values set to the respective field (by its index).
stmt_bind_result_field(stmt, 0, DB::TYPE_FLOAT , float_value);
stmt_bind_result_field(stmt, 1, DB::TYPE_INT , int_value);
stmt_bind_result_field(stmt, 2, DB::TYPE_STRING, string_value, sizeof(string_value));
// Execute the statement!
if (stmt_execute(stmt)) {
// When the last row is fetched, the result will be freed.
while (stmt_fetch_row(stmt)) {
printf("float: %f", float_value);
printf("integer: %d", int_value);
printf("string: %s", string_value);
// Close the statement
More examples
You can easily, for example, change single params or binds and execute the statement again. Examples on this later.
For now, you can have a look through the following ready-to-run gamemode for
more examples:
Each function is described below.
pawn Code:
// DB connections
db_get_struct_info(DB:db, offset)
db_set_struct_info(DB:db, offset, value)
// Queries and results
DBResult:db_query(DB:db, query[], autorelease = true)
bool:db_exec(DB:db, query[])
db_insert(DB:db, query[])
db_query_int(DB:db, query[], field = 0)
Float:db_query_float(DB:db, query[], field = 0)
db_print_result(DBResult:dbresult, max_field_length = 40)
db_set_row_index(DBResult:dbresult, row)
db_field_name(DBResult:dbresult, field, result[], max_length)
db_get_field(DBResult:dbresult, field, result[], max_length)
db_get_field_assoc(DBResult:dbresult, field[], result[], max_length)
db_get_field_int(DBResult:dbresult, field = 0)
Float:db_get_field_float(DBResult:dbresult, field = 0)
db_escape_string(string[], enclosing[] = "'", size = sizeof(string))
// Prepared statements
DBStatement:db_prepare(DB:db, query[])
bool:stmt_execute(&DBStatement:statement, store_result = true, auto_free_result = true)
stmt_bind_value(&DBStatement:statement, param, DBDataType:type, ...)
stmt_bind_result_field(&DBStatement:statement, field, DBDataType:type, ...)
Database connections
DB:db_open(name[])Open a database.
db_close(DB:db)Close a database. If the database is persistent, it will be closed but re-opened if you do something with it.
DB:db_open_persistent(name[])Open a persistent database. A persistent database only has to be opened once. When it's not being used, it will be closed then re-opened when used again.
bool:db_is_persistent(DB:db)Check if a DB handle is persistent.
db_free_persistent(DB:db)Free a persistent database; as opposed to db_close, this will actually free the database completely.
db_changes(DB:db)Return the number of changes made by the previous query.
db_total_changes(DB:db)Return the total number of changes made since the DB was opened.
db_last_insert_rowid(DB:db)Return the rowid from the last row you inserted. See this if you don't know what "rowid" is.
db_get_struct_info(DB:db, offset)Get information from the SQLite C-struct. Mainly used internally.
db_set_struct_info(DB:db, offset, value)Same as above, but sets it.
Queries and results
DBResult:db_query(DB:db, query[], autorelease = true)Query the database and return the result. All results will be autoreleased by default, unless the 3rd argument is "false".
bool:db_exec(DB:db, query[])Run a query and return true if it succeeded.
db_insert(DB:db, query[])Run a query and return the rowid of the inserted row. Again, see this if you don't know what "rowid" is.
db_query_int(DB:db, query[], field = 0)Run a query and return an integer from the first row at field 0 (or another field if specified in the 3rd argument).
Float:db_query_float(DB:db, query[], field = 0)Same as above, but return a float value.
db_print_result(DBResult:dbresult, max_field_length = 40)Print out the full result from the query. This doesn't change the result's current row index, so you can use the result as usual.
db_num_rows(DBResult:dbresult)Return the number of rows in the result.
db_next_row(DBResult:dbresult)Go to the next row. Returns true if there was another row to go to, otherwise false.
db_get_row_index(DBResult:dbresult)Get the current row index (i.e. if you use db_next_row twice the row index 2).
db_set_row_index(DBResult:dbresult, row)Set the current row index.
db_num_fields(DBResult:dbresult)Return the number of fields in the result.
db_field_name(DBResult:dbresult, field, result[], max_length)Get a field name.
db_get_field(DBResult:dbresult, field, result[], max_length)Get a field's value as a string.
db_get_field_assoc(DBResult:dbresult, field[], result[], max_length)Get a field's value as a string. The field is specified by its name instead of an index.
db_get_field_int(DBResult:dbresult, field = 0)Get a field as an integer.
Float:db_get_field_float(DBResult:dbresult, field = 0)Get a field as a float.
db_autofree_result(DBResult:dbresult)Make the result automatically be freed after the current callback finishes.
db_free_result(DBResult:dbresult)Free the result.
db_is_result_freed(DBResult:dbresult)Returns whether or not the result was freed. Note that this only works until you open another DB or perform another query. It should be avoided.
db_escape_string(string[], enclosing[] = "'", size = sizeof(string))Escape a string for use within a query.
Prepared statements
DBStatement:db_prepare(DB:db, query[])Prepare a statement. Put question marks as placeholders for values to be inserted. Don't put quotes around the question marks.
bool:stmt_execute(&DBStatement:statement, store_result = true, auto_free_result = true)Execute a statement. Returns true on success.
stmt_bind_value(&DBStatement:statement, param, DBDataType:type, ...)Bind a value to a question mark (first question mark is param 0, second one is 1, etc.).
stmt_bind_result_field(&DBStatement:statement, field, DBDataType:type, ...)Bind a field in the result to a variable.
stmt_skip_row(&DBStatement:statement)Skip the current row.
bool:stmt_fetch_row(&DBStatement:statement)Fetch a row and go to the next one. When there are no rows left, the result will be freed and the function returns false.
stmt_rows_left(&DBStatement:statement)Return the number of rows left.
DBResult:stmt_free_result(&DBStatement:statement)Free the result from the previous statement. Not necessary as the statements take care of that themselves anyway.
stmt_close(&DBStatement:statement)Close a statement.
stmt_autoclose(&DBStatement:statement)Make a statement automatically close after the current callback.
Re: SQLite Improved -
Scenario - 14.12.2011
Awesome release!
Re: SQLite Improved -
TheArcher - 14.12.2011
Yes, it's a cool Include. Why don't you try to release an improved for MySQL?
Re: SQLite Improved -
Gforcez - 14.12.2011
again a cool release
Re: SQLite Improved -
Kar - 14.12.2011
Great, little typo here. "new float_value, int_value, string_value[128];" shouldn't it be new Float:float_value, ...
Re: SQLite Improved -
FireCat - 14.12.2011
Looks nice (:
Re: SQLite Improved -
agent5 - 14.12.2011
Awsome man !
Rep +
Re: SQLite Improved -
[HiC]TheKiller - 14.12.2011
Nice one slice
. Your releases with SQLite are pretty awesome
Re: SQLite Improved -
Lorenc_ - 15.12.2011
Nice include!
Re: SQLite Improved -
System64 - 15.12.2011
fucking awesome
Re: SQLite Improved -
KoczkaHUN - 15.12.2011
Good to see this released (already discussed on IRC) :P
Re: SQLite Improved - T0pAz - 15.12.2011
well scripted, well documented so well done!
Re: SQLite Improved -
Slice - 15.12.2011
Thanks for the feedback.
@Kar: Yeah, slipped my mind somehow!
Update- Added stmt_autoclose.
- Memory usage decreased significantly.
- All functions now accept both packed and unpacked strings.
- Minor bug fixes and optimizations.
Re: SQLite Improved -
Finn - 15.12.2011
Fuck you I am not going to rewrite my db functions once again
Re: SQLite Improved -
TheArcher - 15.12.2011
Originally Posted by Finn
Fuck you I am not going to rewrite my db functions once again
Was that an insult?
Re: SQLite Improved -
Scenario - 15.12.2011
Originally Posted by TheArcher
Was that an insult?
No, it was sarcasm.
Re: SQLite Improved -
AustinJ - 16.12.2011
Pretty damn awesome. Very useful for host that don't have MySQL.
Re: SQLite Improved -
Slice - 16.12.2011
Update!- Added db_open_persistent, db_is_persistent, db_is_valid_persistent, and db_free_persistent.
Persistent databases work exactly the same as ones you open with db_open, except for one thing: you only have to open it once. No, the database won't be constantly open.
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit() {
g_db = db_open_persistent("mydb.db");
db_query(g_db, "...");
// The db will now close
public OnSomethingSomething() {
// SQLitei will detect that the db is closed and open it
db_query(g_db, "...");
// The db is still open
db_query(g_db, "...");
// The db will now close
- Added db_query_autofree.
This is just like db_query, except it will free the result for you when the current callback finishes executing. No need to use db_free_result.
Note: Do not use db_free_result on results from this function.
- Added db_get_field_int and db_get_field_float.
By default, it will fetch field 0. You can add an additional argument to specify another field.
Quickly fetch an integer or float from a result. Example:
pawn Код:
new user_count;
user_count = db_fetch_int(db_query_autofree(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users"));
printf("There are %d users registered.", user_count);
- Corrected a few SQLite natives.
Re: SQLite Improved -
kizla - 22.12.2011
surely gonna use it
Awesome work...
Re: SQLite Improved -
Slice - 22.12.2011
- Added two new types for stmt_bind_value:
- DB::TYPE_WP_HASH: Puts a BLOB value of a whirlpool hash from the given string into the query (ex. x'FFAA4411...').
- DB::TYPE_PLAYER_NAME: Puts a player name from the ID passed.
Note that DB_USE_WHIRLPOOL must be defined as true in order for DB::TYPE_WP_HASH to work.
- Added the preprocessor options DE_DEBUG (logs debug info) and DB_LOG_TO_CHAT (prints log messages to chat).
- Improved the way results are dealt with internally to avoid crashes at all costs.
- Added debug messages pretty much everywhere (shown if DB_DEBUG is true).
I'm also releasing an example of a gamemode with login and register commands using ZCMD and Whirlpool!
Download demo!