[FilterScript] **[FS]Speeding control **by Antironix

[color=red][center][FS]Speeding control

I always wanted to make something unique. And here is it. If you go to fast than next to a object(flitspaal=dutch, how to say it in english?? ) the max speed then you will get fined depented on your speed.


Speedometer creater: Peter
Speeding limit: Antironix



How to add a new "flitspaal :"

At line 68 you see:
pawn Код:
AddFlitsPaal(i, 1278, 2077.5579,1013.2529,10.8203, 20, 50);
    AddFlitsPaal(i, 1278, 2078.9189,1235.0403,10.3865, 20, 40);
Delete those other AddFlitsPaal things and add your new one. If you want to have more then 2 "Flitspalen " then set maxobject to another number(can be found at the top of the script.

this is how you must add a new "flitspaal".
pawn Код:
AddFlitsPaal(playerid, modelid, Float:xx, Float:yy, Float:zz, radius, speed)
modelid=object id. Look on wiki.
Floatx/yy/zz= coordinates.
radius= How far you can be caught of the "flitspaal".
Speed= The max speed you may drive.



I deleted the speedo meter, it gave me some bugs and i didn't want to fix the speedo meter but only the flitspaal thing.


- Deleted speedometer
- playerid has become i(all players)

PAWN Code:
AddFlitsPaal(i, 1278, 2077.5579,1013.2529,10.8203, 20, 100);
AddFlitsPaal(i, 1278, 2078.9189,1235.0403,10.3865, 20, 40);


- Working now for all players
- If it is good, the object are working too!

New things:

- Added a delay that ALL players can be shotted again. I set it to 1 second to make it save that you won't be shot twice.

If you want to get the fee less change the number 17 on line 112 or change the 1:10(broke?lol)


PAWN Code:
20 * 17/10 =34 $ to pay
20 * 5/10 = 10 $ to pay
20 * 3/10 = 6 $ to pay


Question 1: I get fined twice, how to avoid it?
Answer: Well there isn't really a way to avoid it how you want it,but there are 3 ways;
	   1. Just change the updateseconds, so you all players can get 1 second
	     after someone get fined not get fined.
	   2. Change the speed to a very high value, so you will pass the flitspaal
		 faster than your updateseconds.
	   3. Change your radius. If you have a small radius you drive faster through it.
		 If you have a large radius, you get fined lots of time.

Question 2: How to change the fee?
Answer: Just play with the numbers under new fee = 17/10;. The fee is calculated like this:
	 (YOURSPEED - MAXSPEED)*(17/10). So if you driving 20 mph and the maxspeed is 10,
	 your fee is (20-10)*(17/10)=17. If you lower the 17 of 17/10 then your fee will
	 be lower, if you make it higher then the fee will be higher.
grtz Anti

ps. I didn't found any translations of the word "flitspaal". So somebody let me know how you call it.

yea Flitspaal cant found it anywere

but it is a camera near the road that make a picture when u drive to fast and with that picture police can see who drove to fast , thats how i explain it :P

Btw* nice script

Goed Werk = Nice Job

Ik Kon Ook De Vertaling Niet Vinden = I Couldnt Find The Translation Of The Word Neither

Ik Gebruik Ik Denk Ik In Mijn Server Als Je Dat Goed Vind = I May Use This In My Server If You THink Its Ok

just tested it, but I think it only works for id 0, because I was getting all the "photo shootings" and id 1 and 2 not

:O well i try to fix it, but i am not on my main pc atm. Thx for replying.

I like how people make a mod of a mod of a bugged script

Originally Posted by yom
I like how people make a mod of a mod of a bugged script
I bet the people using it don't .


(flitspaal=dutch, how to say it in english?? )

flash pole
is 'Flitspaal'

Van Haaren / [Klere]DS



I Like This FS But I Added Some Flash Things But They Didnt Work
And Is It Possible To Change The Color Of The SpeedoMeter And The Font

[NEVERMIND /me Used Wiki Sa-Mp ]

I Like It Soo Much :P

I love it thanks man, using it in my script

Goed gedaan=Good job

i found 2 bugs.. the speedo only works for playerid 0, but i fixed that. There is now only a bug with the objects. Only the first one will show, the others are invisble. I will update this script asap.

Rofl a speed camera filterscript. Nice idea Anti.


I deleted the speedo meter, it gave me some bugs and i didn't want to fix the speedo meter but only the flitspaal thing.


- Deleted speedometer
- playerid has become i(all players)


AddFlitsPaal(i, 1278, 2077.5579,1013.2529,10.8203, 20, 100);
AddFlitsPaal(i, 1278, 2078.9189,1235.0403,10.3865, 20, 40);


- Working now for all players
- If it is good, the object are working too!

New things:

- Added a delay

If you want to get the fee less change the number 17 on line 112 or change the 1:10(broke?lol).

pawn Code:
20 * 17/10 =34 $ to pay
20 * 5/10 = 10 $ to pay
20 * 3/10 = 6 $ to pay
Download at the first page!

grtz Anti

This is great!

this will help me out with my RP gamemode i am makin



Gr8 Script how ever how can u change it to only get certain teams and every time u drive past a camera it will say it twice and there for do twice the fine or in my cars wanted level this is what i have what am i doing wrong ??
    CreateObject(modelid, xx, yy, zz, 0.0, 0.0, 10);
        if(IsPlayerInCircle(playerid, xx, yy, radius) && GetPlayerState(playerid)== PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)

	if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_COP)
	format(str,sizeof(str), "You were driving faster than %d Mph Your Speed Was (%d) Mph",speed, distance1[playerid]);
 	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, str);
	          if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_Civilian){
						SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) + 1);
						SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE);
            format(str,sizeof(str), "You were driving faster than %d Mph Your Speed Was (%d) Mph And You Are Now Wanted For Speeding",speed, distance1[playerid]);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, str);
            format(str,sizeof(str), "%s(ID:%d) Was driving faster than %d Mph At The Speed Of (%d) Mph And Is Now Wanted For Speeding", name, giveplayerid, speed, distance1[playerid]);
            SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, str);



any ideas how to make it only work for civillians?

about the first that you get fined twice, change the delay to an higher ammount or make the radius of the "flitspaal" smaller.

And for your second question i have to less time.

Well i didn't use the edit post, because you won't read this anymore so i posted a new post.

Here is the correct script. And you also have 2 brackets too much. I didn't deleted them, but i have commented them.


About the other question do this:

Question 1: I get fined twice, how to avoid it?
Answer: Well there isn't really a way to avoid it how you want it,but there are 3 ways;
	   1. Just change the updateseconds, so you all players can get 1 second
	     after someone get fined not get fined.
	   2. Change the speed to a very high value, so you will pass the flitspaal
		 faster than your updateseconds.
	   3. Change your radius. If you have a small radius you drive faster through it.
		 If you have a large radius, you get fined lots of time.

Question 2: How to change the fee?
Answer: Just play with the numbers under new fee = 17/10;. The fee is calculated like this:
	 (YOURSPEED - MAXSPEED)*(17/10). So if you driving 20 mph and the maxspeed is 10,
	 your fee is (20-10)*(17/10)=17. If you lower the 17 of 17/10 then your fee will
	 be lower, if you make it higher then the fee will be higher.

You should add a working Speedometer so this fs could be full :P And if u find the time fuel would be great too! But good job mate :P

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