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[FilterScript] **[FS]Speeding control **by Antironix - Printable Version

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**[FS]Speeding control **by Antironix - Antironix - 24.10.2007

[color=red][center][FS]Speeding control

I always wanted to make something unique. And here is it. If you go to fast than next to a object(flitspaal=dutch, how to say it in english?? ) the max speed then you will get fined depented on your speed.


Speedometer creater: Peter
Speeding limit: Antironix



How to add a new "flitspaal :"

At line 68 you see:
pawn Код:
AddFlitsPaal(i, 1278, 2077.5579,1013.2529,10.8203, 20, 50);
    AddFlitsPaal(i, 1278, 2078.9189,1235.0403,10.3865, 20, 40);
Delete those other AddFlitsPaal things and add your new one. If you want to have more then 2 "Flitspalen " then set maxobject to another number(can be found at the top of the script.

this is how you must add a new "flitspaal".
pawn Код:
AddFlitsPaal(playerid, modelid, Float:xx, Float:yy, Float:zz, radius, speed)
modelid=object id. Look on wiki.
Floatx/yy/zz= coordinates.
radius= How far you can be caught of the "flitspaal".
Speed= The max speed you may drive.



I deleted the speedo meter, it gave me some bugs and i didn't want to fix the speedo meter but only the flitspaal thing.


- Deleted speedometer
- playerid has become i(all players)

PAWN Code:
AddFlitsPaal(i, 1278, 2077.5579,1013.2529,10.8203, 20, 100);
AddFlitsPaal(i, 1278, 2078.9189,1235.0403,10.3865, 20, 40);


- Working now for all players
- If it is good, the object are working too!

New things:

- Added a delay that ALL players can be shotted again. I set it to 1 second to make it save that you won't be shot twice.

If you want to get the fee less change the number 17 on line 112 or change the 1:10(broke?lol)


PAWN Code:
20 * 17/10 =34 $ to pay
20 * 5/10 = 10 $ to pay
20 * 3/10 = 6 $ to pay

Question 1: I get fined twice, how to avoid it?
Answer: Well there isn't really a way to avoid it how you want it,but there are 3 ways;
	   1. Just change the updateseconds, so you all players can get 1 second
	     after someone get fined not get fined.
	   2. Change the speed to a very high value, so you will pass the flitspaal
		 faster than your updateseconds.
	   3. Change your radius. If you have a small radius you drive faster through it.
		 If you have a large radius, you get fined lots of time.

Question 2: How to change the fee?
Answer: Just play with the numbers under new fee = 17/10;. The fee is calculated like this:
	 (YOURSPEED - MAXSPEED)*(17/10). So if you driving 20 mph and the maxspeed is 10,
	 your fee is (20-10)*(17/10)=17. If you lower the 17 of 17/10 then your fee will
	 be lower, if you make it higher then the fee will be higher.
grtz Anti

ps. I didn't found any translations of the word "flitspaal". So somebody let me know how you call it.

Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - [FTG]Little_G - 24.10.2007

yea Flitspaal cant found it anywere

but it is a camera near the road that make a picture when u drive to fast and with that picture police can see who drove to fast , thats how i explain it :P

Btw* nice script

Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - Djrasim - 24.10.2007

Goed Werk = Nice Job

Ik Kon Ook De Vertaling Niet Vinden = I Couldnt Find The Translation Of The Word Neither

Ik Gebruik Ik Denk Ik In Mijn Server Als Je Dat Goed Vind = I May Use This In My Server If You THink Its Ok

Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - Gehaktbal - 24.10.2007

just tested it, but I think it only works for id 0, because I was getting all the "photo shootings" and id 1 and 2 not

Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - Antironix - 24.10.2007

:O well i try to fix it, but i am not on my main pc atm. Thx for replying.

Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - yom - 24.10.2007

I like how people make a mod of a mod of a bugged script

Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - beckzy - 24.10.2007

Originally Posted by yom
I like how people make a mod of a mod of a bugged script
I bet the people using it don't .

**[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - Maikel - 24.10.2007


(flitspaal=dutch, how to say it in english?? )

flash pole
is 'Flitspaal'

Van Haaren / [Klere]DS

Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - Alejandro - 24.10.2007



Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - Djrasim - 24.10.2007

I Like This FS But I Added Some Flash Things But They Didnt Work
And Is It Possible To Change The Color Of The SpeedoMeter And The Font

[NEVERMIND /me Used Wiki Sa-Mp ]

I Like It Soo Much :P

Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - nate660 - 25.10.2007

I love it thanks man, using it in my script

Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - Richi_Makaveli - 25.10.2007

Goed gedaan=Good job

Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - Antironix - 25.10.2007

i found 2 bugs.. the speedo only works for playerid 0, but i fixed that. There is now only a bug with the objects. Only the first one will show, the others are invisble. I will update this script asap.

Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - [PHX]Randy - 25.10.2007

Rofl a speed camera filterscript. Nice idea Anti.

Re: **[FS]Speedometer + Speeding limit **by Antironix - Antironix - 26.10.2007


I deleted the speedo meter, it gave me some bugs and i didn't want to fix the speedo meter but only the flitspaal thing.


- Deleted speedometer
- playerid has become i(all players)


AddFlitsPaal(i, 1278, 2077.5579,1013.2529,10.8203, 20, 100);
AddFlitsPaal(i, 1278, 2078.9189,1235.0403,10.3865, 20, 40);


- Working now for all players
- If it is good, the object are working too!

New things:

- Added a delay

If you want to get the fee less change the number 17 on line 112 or change the 1:10(broke?lol).

pawn Code:
20 * 17/10 =34 $ to pay
20 * 5/10 = 10 $ to pay
20 * 3/10 = 6 $ to pay
Download at the first page!

grtz Anti

Re: **[FS]Speeding control **by Antironix - mikster1 - 26.10.2007

This is great!

this will help me out with my RP gamemode i am makin



Re: **[FS]Speeding control **by Antironix - Beaver07 - 01.11.2007

Gr8 Script how ever how can u change it to only get certain teams and every time u drive past a camera it will say it twice and there for do twice the fine or in my cars wanted level this is what i have what am i doing wrong ??
    CreateObject(modelid, xx, yy, zz, 0.0, 0.0, 10);
        if(IsPlayerInCircle(playerid, xx, yy, radius) && GetPlayerState(playerid)== PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)

	if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_COP)
	format(str,sizeof(str), "You were driving faster than %d Mph Your Speed Was (%d) Mph",speed, distance1[playerid]);
 	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, str);
	          if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_Civilian){
						SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) + 1);
						SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE);
            format(str,sizeof(str), "You were driving faster than %d Mph Your Speed Was (%d) Mph And You Are Now Wanted For Speeding",speed, distance1[playerid]);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, str);
            format(str,sizeof(str), "%s(ID:%d) Was driving faster than %d Mph At The Speed Of (%d) Mph And Is Now Wanted For Speeding", name, giveplayerid, speed, distance1[playerid]);
            SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, str);



any ideas how to make it only work for civillians?

Re: **[FS]Speeding control **by Antironix - Antironix - 01.11.2007

about the first that you get fined twice, change the delay to an higher ammount or make the radius of the "flitspaal" smaller.

And for your second question i have to less time.

Re: **[FS]Speeding control **by Antironix - Antironix - 02.11.2007

Well i didn't use the edit post, because you won't read this anymore so i posted a new post.

Here is the correct script. And you also have 2 brackets too much. I didn't deleted them, but i have commented them.

About the other question do this:

Question 1: I get fined twice, how to avoid it?
Answer: Well there isn't really a way to avoid it how you want it,but there are 3 ways;
	   1. Just change the updateseconds, so you all players can get 1 second
	     after someone get fined not get fined.
	   2. Change the speed to a very high value, so you will pass the flitspaal
		 faster than your updateseconds.
	   3. Change your radius. If you have a small radius you drive faster through it.
		 If you have a large radius, you get fined lots of time.

Question 2: How to change the fee?
Answer: Just play with the numbers under new fee = 17/10;. The fee is calculated like this:
	 (YOURSPEED - MAXSPEED)*(17/10). So if you driving 20 mph and the maxspeed is 10,
	 your fee is (20-10)*(17/10)=17. If you lower the 17 of 17/10 then your fee will
	 be lower, if you make it higher then the fee will be higher.

Re: **[FS]Speeding control **by Antironix - polgast - 15.11.2007

You should add a working Speedometer so this fs could be full :P And if u find the time fuel would be great too! But good job mate :P