Incognito's Streamer - Checkpoint not working?

Well I created a checkpoint, using Incognito's streamer (latest version), in the callback there should be a message and a dialog sent to player upon entering it, well nothing happened; The checkpoint got created (I can see it in game) but nothing happens, not even a print. Anyone experiencing or have experienced this? Please help as soon as possible.

Post your script/lines where you make it so a dialog pops up

For some reason, the others work, I can't seem to find a problem.

pawn Код:
BombCP = CreateDynamicCP(2003.6744,2319.5950,10.8203,1.0,-1,-1,-1,20.0);

    if(checkpointid == BombCP)
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,6047,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Vehicle Toys","C4 - Detonated  $100,000\nC4 - Timed  $80,000","Select","Cancel");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,Aqua,"Bomb CP.");
        printf("Player (%s) entered the Bomb Checkpoint",GetName(playerid));

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
//  if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return 0; optional
        return 1;
This should work

It works perfectly for me

Btw you dont really need to name your checkpoints, this would work for any checkpoints, just make an IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint

I'm using Incognito's Streamer, so it's best to use the corresponding callback:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)

Sorry for bumpin' an old topic but I have the same issue.

Hope you can help.

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