22.05.2011, 10:49
Complete scripting bugs list (0.3 updated)
22.05.2011, 13:54
The "textdraw bugs" aren't bugs, atleast I don't think so, several of my scripts rely on that affect
23.05.2011, 08:28
Does OnVehicleDeath gets called when you land a leviathan/sea-sparrow on water ? (They both float)
Seasparrow: No if you carefully touch the water, yes if it falls into water and float again.
Vortex: Same as Seasparrow.
Vortex and Seasparrow calls OnVehicleDeath only when I exit them and wait for a while.
24.05.2011, 20:38
I've updated the list. Let me know if I have missed anything and I will add it to the list.
12.06.2011, 04:22
Last edited by leong124; 27/06/2011 at 04:54 AM.
SetVehicleToRespawn - OnVehicleSpawn seems to be called before respawning the vehicle, which will cause vehicle lock,alarm,etc. problems. I set the vehicles' parameters in OnVehicleSpawn so that they should be correctly set after they are respawned. With this bug I can't set it, because it is reset to -1.
OnVehicleDeath - Sometimes will not call when I try to flip a vehicle by sawn-off shotgun to make it explode. This could cause problems on player vehicle systems, since the variables cannot be reset in the callback.
OnVehicleDeath - Sometimes will not call when I try to flip a vehicle by sawn-off shotgun to make it explode. This could cause problems on player vehicle systems, since the variables cannot be reset in the callback.
21.06.2011, 20:19
Last edited by shitbird; 21/06/2011 at 09:03 PM.
OnPlayerUpdate() - Doesn't detect changes/spawned weapons inside a vehicle.
22.06.2011, 10:39
OnPlayerSpawn() If you Do SetCameraBehindPlayer; Doesn't Work
22.06.2011, 12:55
26.06.2011, 09:03
OnPlayerUpdate() - Doesn't detect changes/spawned weapons inside a vehicle.
PlayerSpectatePlayer/PlayerSpectateVehicle - when the spectate mode is turned on with this two functions in vehicles, sometimes 2 extra OnPlayerStateChange will be called.
For example:
[CMD]/spectate 0 //0 is the target ID OnPlayerStateChange called(driver->spectating) when TogglePlayerSpectating is called OnPlayerStateChange called(spectating->driver) after the command is finished //This is the problem OnPlayerStateChange called(driver->spectating)
26.06.2011, 14:25
26.06.2011, 14:37
Ah, I thought you'd tinker with your y_timers library. Has it been released?
04.08.2011, 02:11
Are there any bugs that are still missing from the list?
04.08.2011, 03:47
The callback bugs are missing.
15.08.2011, 20:22
There's also that pickup bug, there was a thread about it, idk if it was fixed yet
19.08.2011, 11:17
Plz fix this in R6:
SetVehicleZAngle dont't work in OnVehicleSpawn.
SetVehicleZAngle dont't work in OnVehicleSpawn.
pawn Код:
public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid)
SetTimerEx("SetRightVehicleAngle", 700, false, "i", vehicleid);
return 1;
public SetRightVehicleAngle(vehicleid)
SetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, CarInfo[vehicleid][oPos][3]);
20.08.2011, 22:48
SetVehicleParamEx and SetVehicleParamsForPlayer doesn't work under onvehiclespawn
20.08.2011, 22:51
Plz fix this in R6:
SetVehicleZAngle dont't work in OnVehicleSpawn. Only: pawn Код:
21.08.2011, 12:54
"SetPlayerWorldBounds - If you hold down the aim key you can walk through world boundries."
Not anymore.
Not anymore.
23.08.2011, 04:45
Последний раз редактировалось Kar; 24.08.2011 в 21:26.
setvehicleparamsex conflicts with the players client, if your in a vehicle with a siren, when setvehicleparamsex is on, it turns off the siren
edit: createvehicle does not call onvehiclespawn
edit: createvehicle does not call onvehiclespawn
25.08.2011, 22:40
Plz fix this in R6:
SetVehicleZAngle dont't work in OnVehicleSpawn. Only: pawn Код:
where you taken R6?
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