[GameMode] Intelexe's RolePlay[Still Under Developing]

Originally Posted by arp0p
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5 stars please... too awesome for 4 stars.
Dont want to be an arse but why are you spaming the topic with the same stuff, you already wrote that it is good?

Originally Posted by MiStEr_Rap
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good job man 10/10
Thanks .

Originally Posted by Namaco
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Dont want to be an arse but why are you spaming the topic with the same stuff, you already wrote that it is good?
I warned him he broke a rule and he have edited his post with something else xD.

1) Thats server need more admin commands.
2) When player register, that player can make your walk style, region and fight style.
3) No mapicons
4) only 10 factions.... 6 law -.-
5) Need save cars IG and MOD/Tune..

i like but...

Originally Posted by Curtis_Jackson
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1) Thats server need more admin commands.
2) When player register, that player can make your walk style, region and fight style.
3) No mapicons
4) only 10 factions.... 6 law -.-
5) Need save cars IG and MOD/Tune..

i like but...
This have been projected as a Hard RolePlay GameMode.
btw,region/tune system exists already xD
Im going to add:

--Customized walk style for donators
--Fight Style will be updateable by going to GYM.
--More organisations.

Originally Posted by Curtis_Jackson
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1) Thats server need more admin commands.
2) When player register, that player can make your walk style, region and fight style.
3) No mapicons
4) only 10 factions.... 6 law -.-
5) Need save cars IG and MOD/Tune..

i like but...
If u would mind reading as he wrote it says "Still Under Development"

EDIT: Just got a little idea for police, I was thinking about a possibility (I bet that aint possible) to do finger print stuff? so If someone have dropped something that is used against someone like weapon (armed) or a baseball bat or golf bat or other ones, and if the person does /dropgun, police can do /fingerprint and they need to be near dropped weapon and if possible to get positive finger print it would show who owned it AND ofc it brings another item to buy in clothes shop which are gloves to not have finger prints on and /put gloves on and off? I bet that aint possible lol but just giving an idea.

Looks good, for a script from scratch.
But, did you mean LS:RP, or LSL:RP?
Just out of curiosity.
You could also make a dynamic building system. Allowing the players to create buildings, anywhere IG.
Such as, /createbuilding > Pop's up a dialogs: Interior - Exterior - Done.
Interor - Pop's up anther dialog, with a list of every interior, catgorized by the type: House/Business/Government/Other etc. Then once it's selected it will auto set the /enter point at the door of that interior.
-Exterior: Will simply place the Icon, and the /enter position at your current position.
-Done. Well will complete the building and save it.
Yes, it will take some time, doing all the dialog, and /save'ing at every door of the interiors.
But I have done it myself already, and trust me. It saves ALOT of time when you can create buildings IG and not have to code them into the actual script.

Originally Posted by Lynn
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Looks good, for a script from scratch.
But, did you mean LS:RP, or LSL:RP?
Just out of curiosity.
You could also make a dynamic building system. Allowing the players to create buildings, anywhere IG.
Such as, /createbuilding > Pop's up a dialogs: Interior - Exterior - Done.
Interor - Pop's up anther dialog, with a list of every interior, catgorized by the type: House/Business/Government/Other etc. Then once it's selected it will auto set the /enter point at the door of that interior.
-Exterior: Will simply place the Icon, and the /enter position at your current position.
-Done. Well will complete the building and save it.
Yes, it will take some time, doing all the dialog, and /save'ing at every door of the interiors.
But I have done it myself already, and trust me. It saves ALOT of time when you can create buildings IG and not have to code them into the actual script.
By the way this is not from scratch. It's just a GF edit more likely LARP script

This script is totally not larp edit u gotta be kidding me, it has a totally no sign of gf

Originally Posted by SkizzoTrick
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I said that some easy commands are tooken from Raven's like /kick,/ban or this one.
Ill put the credits now ,thanks for warning me.

EDIT: second source added from MediaFire.
It isnt from ravens x)

Originally Posted by Yaheli_Faro
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this is function does the same as my /cage command in V-Admin (puts a player in a cage :P).

pawn Код:
// Top of script
new cage[MAX_PLAYERS], cage2[MAX_PLAYERS], cage3[MAX_PLAYERS], cage4[MAX_PLAYERS], caged[MAX_PLAYERS];

// new function
stock CagePlayer(playerid)
      new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
      GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);
      cage[playerid] = CreateObject(985, X, Y+4, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
      cage2[playerid] = CreateObject(985, X+4, Y, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0);
      cage3[playerid] = CreateObject(985, X-4, Y, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 270.0);
      cage4[playerid] = CreateObject(985, X, Y-4, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0);
      caged[playerid] = 1; // Use this in a /cage command to prevent being caged twice and causing the cage to be unremovable.
      PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1137, X, Y, Z);
This will remove the cage

pawn Код:
stock UnCagePlayer(playerid)
      cage[playerid] = DestroyObject(cage[playerid]);
      cage2[playerid] = DestroyObject(cage2[playerid]);
      cage3[playerid] = DestroyObject(cage3[playerid]);
      cage4[playerid] = DestroyObject(cage4[playerid]);
      caged[playerid] = 0;
Originally Posted by Yaheli_Faro
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this is function does the same as my /cage command in V-Admin (puts a player in a cage :P).

pawn Код:
// Top of script
new cage[MAX_PLAYERS], cage2[MAX_PLAYERS], cage3[MAX_PLAYERS], cage4[MAX_PLAYERS], caged[MAX_PLAYERS];

// new function
stock CagePlayer(playerid)
      new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
      GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);
      cage[playerid] = CreateObject(985, X, Y+4, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
      cage2[playerid] = CreateObject(985, X+4, Y, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0);
      cage3[playerid] = CreateObject(985, X-4, Y, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 270.0);
      cage4[playerid] = CreateObject(985, X, Y-4, Z, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0);
      caged[playerid] = 1; // Use this in a /cage command to prevent being caged twice and causing the cage to be unremovable.
      PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1137, X, Y, Z);
This will remove the cage

pawn Код:
stock UnCagePlayer(playerid)
      cage[playerid] = DestroyObject(cage[playerid]);
      cage2[playerid] = DestroyObject(cage2[playerid]);
      cage3[playerid] = DestroyObject(cage3[playerid]);
      cage4[playerid] = DestroyObject(cage4[playerid]);
      caged[playerid] = 0;

Originally Posted by Markx
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It isnt from ravens x)
I(ME) took it from Raven's.
I didn't know who is the creator so i didn't wrote him ,lol...
Ill write him now,Yaheli_Faro.

May i ask how to make yourself a swat memeber and such?

The Best gamemode love it 10/10

It's actually one of the best GMs I've ever seen, though it would get much better if you improve admin cmds and adding systems like bank robbery etc...

Originally Posted by ioalex93
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I suggest you to send him a pm with the fix,and he will add you in credits...
That would be the best thing.I just cannot find the answer...

Originally Posted by Pedro_Giacomelli
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What do you think about putting a CCTV system to LSPD?
I am thinking to do that.Maybe in the next version.
Btw,in 20/22 June i will have the exams so ill try to work as much as possible to finish the new update for 25,26 June.

Can you add new admin commands, in the new version?

Originally Posted by umarmalik
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Can you add new admin commands, in the new version?
Just give me some suggestions and i will.
Im almost finsihed with the Public Phone System.Every public phone has a file with a number,you will see in the next version :P.

Sir, I suggest the new admin cmds like....
Visible, Invisible.
/ctele. (Where we create our own teleports)
admin vehicles. [/abike (Nrg spawn), /acar (Infurnus spawn), /aheli (maverike spawn)].

Originally Posted by umarmalik
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Sir, I suggest the new admin cmds like....
Visible, Invisible.
/ctele. (Where we create our own teleports)
admin vehicles. [/abike (Nrg spawn), /acar (Infurnus spawn), /aheli (maverike spawn)].
There already is /veh for spawning vehicles :P.
Ill maybe add the /ctele.

Originally Posted by Typhome
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This GM works still? I type /drug, still nothing.
Some commands doenst seems work. :[

Is GM outdated or what? :S

Originally Posted by Namaco
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It is possible since I saw it in other roleplay servers.
Yeah i know it is possible because i saw it in other servers too but i hope he will script it in

because i really like that way and not only /acceptdeath and spawn in 1sec :P

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