19.05.2011, 18:52
Last edited by SkizzoTrick; 27/11/2016 at 01:42 PM.
Note*:Before downloading or start reading the next information,i would like to precizate that this Script is not for beginners.It is more understandable than the other GameModes but still not for beginners.
Also,please stop PM'ing me questions about the GM or the next version because you can just ask here and i will answer,same with suggestions/bug reports/etc.

intelexe's Role Play
by SkizzoTrick
Since im going to continue developing the GameMode,i'd like to use a License Protection.
NOTE!Before downloading this GameMode,i want to note that this is not a useless GF/LARP Edit.This GameMode has been started from scratch
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Intelexe's Role Play
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I officialy hitted the "New" button in Pawno 5 months ago when i decided to create my own GameMode with my own features.
This GameMode has 38.000 lines at the moment, V1.0, and i am releasing it after a long beta testing period on my own serve LSC:RP.Im releasing it because the community is closed now but ill continue developing it untill this will be fully usable with no bugs.It has some bugs,i couldn't find them all, but you will just have to post here a reply by telling me wich is the bug and i will fix it for the next version.
THIS IS A FRIENDLY SCRIPT!It wasn't made so difficult so noone will understand it.I made this for new scripters who want to learn pawn by editing a GameMode.I am not claiming that this is the best GameMode or the most unique one,im just suggesting you to take a look,leave a comment with what do you think about it and use it if you like it.The development of this GM was not so easy since i don't have so much immagination.Im honestly when im telling you that i took some ideea's from LS:RP because this was supposed to be a Hard RolePlay GameMode.I made tons of beta testings on this GM and im pretty sure that it has not so much bugs.There is something very special about the Vehicle System and please take a look at the "Important Notes" down the page.I had a betatesting server first and i reloaded this GM thousand times...if you want to see the logs,you just have to go to:ScriptFiles-->INTELRP-->ServerLogs-->Choose whatever you want here.
I couldn't test all the bugs by myself so i opened LSC:RP Community where everyone have reported every bug but there are still some unkown bugs,im sure about that.
When i begun developing of the "Intelexe's RolePlay" GM i wanted to make it the most performanced script and the most used now but just now,i realise how hard it is to create something like that.
Let's continue,i hope you will like...
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Important Notes:
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Coming up:
VERSION 4 is ready,read the last post to find out more information.
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Important Announcement:Finalizing the GM
Hello everyone,this is an important announcement .I have decided to finish the GameMode because i am leaving samp.I don't know if i will leave permanently or just for a while but im completly sure that im going to do this .
I will start developing the last things to the GameMode as soon as i get some time so please start posting the most important suggestions you want to be in the GameMode because there will be no more updates for it.
I am going to script the next things for beginning:
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V 1.3:
The GM is using the next special includes,plugins:
Server Systems:
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Special Special Thanks to:
Cuervo Negro --- For Logs
RetardedWolf --- For NonStop Support
Luxurion --- BetaTester
Y-Less---Getting help for the vehicle system
Lil Weezy---BetaTester
Thanks to Cisatr for Vehicle Names
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Credits that i forgot to add:
Caging Players -- Yaheli_Faro.
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__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Version 1.0
Version 1.1
Version 1.2

Version 1.3

Version 1.4

Mirrors from users
Namaco -- http://wfurl.com/9371dd6
Also,please stop PM'ing me questions about the GM or the next version because you can just ask here and i will answer,same with suggestions/bug reports/etc.

intelexe's Role Play
by SkizzoTrick
Click here to see the legal Code![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This code can be Distributed; This code can not be used for commercial purposes; This code may have derivations; You must provide recognition of the original author. |
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Intelexe's Role Play
__________________________________________________ ____________________________
I officialy hitted the "New" button in Pawno 5 months ago when i decided to create my own GameMode with my own features.
This GameMode has 38.000 lines at the moment, V1.0, and i am releasing it after a long beta testing period on my own serve LSC:RP.Im releasing it because the community is closed now but ill continue developing it untill this will be fully usable with no bugs.It has some bugs,i couldn't find them all, but you will just have to post here a reply by telling me wich is the bug and i will fix it for the next version.
THIS IS A FRIENDLY SCRIPT!It wasn't made so difficult so noone will understand it.I made this for new scripters who want to learn pawn by editing a GameMode.I am not claiming that this is the best GameMode or the most unique one,im just suggesting you to take a look,leave a comment with what do you think about it and use it if you like it.The development of this GM was not so easy since i don't have so much immagination.Im honestly when im telling you that i took some ideea's from LS:RP because this was supposed to be a Hard RolePlay GameMode.I made tons of beta testings on this GM and im pretty sure that it has not so much bugs.There is something very special about the Vehicle System and please take a look at the "Important Notes" down the page.I had a betatesting server first and i reloaded this GM thousand times...if you want to see the logs,you just have to go to:ScriptFiles-->INTELRP-->ServerLogs-->Choose whatever you want here.
I couldn't test all the bugs by myself so i opened LSC:RP Community where everyone have reported every bug but there are still some unkown bugs,im sure about that.
When i begun developing of the "Intelexe's RolePlay" GM i wanted to make it the most performanced script and the most used now but just now,i realise how hard it is to create something like that.
Let's continue,i hope you will like...
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Important Notes:
- Special Vehicle System:
- The vehicle system is very unique,i think it is the most unique vehicle system here.Im reffering to the Saving System.
Noone wanted to help me by creating the vehicle system so i made it in my way.First,i had lot of troubles by making the /v sell command but then God blessed me with a ideea.
Everytime you sell a vehicle,it sets its spawn in the middle of the Ocean.When someone buys a vehicle,the last vehicle sold will be TP'ed to this player and all the variables will be changed.
Don't worry,if you don't delete any Vehicle File,everything will be alright.
- The vehicle system is very unique,i think it is the most unique vehicle system here.Im reffering to the Saving System.
- Commands:
- I want to let you know that this script has some admin commands like :kick,ban,rban from Ravens RP but edited for this GM.I thought i don't need to loose time by making these simple commands.
- Help/acmds/Jobhelp/Factionhelp
- There are some missing commands in /anim,/help,/cophelp,/ahelp.But there are the basic commands,you just need to think what to type or search in the script.BUT this doesn't means i will not add them in Help Section,i just need to review them all.
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Coming up:
Originally Posted by Version 1.1
Originally Posted by Version 1.2
Originally Posted by Version 1.3
Originally Posted by Version 1.4
__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Important Announcement:Finalizing the GM
Hello everyone,this is an important announcement .I have decided to finish the GameMode because i am leaving samp.I don't know if i will leave permanently or just for a while but im completly sure that im going to do this .
I will start developing the last things to the GameMode as soon as i get some time so please start posting the most important suggestions you want to be in the GameMode because there will be no more updates for it.
I am going to script the next things for beginning:
Originally Posted by Version 1.4
---Public Phones
---Speaker for your own Phone ---Engine Breaking System[EBS] --This will break your engine if you go up a X km/h. --This will break your engine randomly when you try to start it up. ---New maps. ---New Jobs : --Trucker --Courier ---Update to /contact ---Dynamic Speed Camera System ---Vehicle Jacking System[3 types of toolkits] ---Fixing the ACP [Prison/Freeze are reversed] ---Adding reason dialog for "Kick/Ban/Warn/Freeze/Mute" in ACP ---GameMode Utilization Manual ---Hair Change for all the skins ---Radio System[OWN MUSIC] |
V 1.0:
Originally Posted by Version 1.0
V 1.1:
Originally Posted by Version 1.1
V 1.2:
Originally Posted by Version 1.2
Originally Posted by Version 1.3
V 1.4:
Originally Posted by Version 1.4
V 1.5:
Originally Posted by Version 1.5
The GM is using the next special includes,plugins:
Streamer by Incognito__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Server Systems:
- Dynamically Vehicle System
Easy to use and edit by using /set command on every ownable/buyed vehicle. - Dynamic House System
Easy to use/edit houses by using /set command on every ownable/owned house.You also have to use /houseinfo when you are inside a House pickup to see its owner,price,adress,etc.Easy to add to by using /sethouse. - Dynamic Business System
Easy to use/edit/add by using /set ,/setbizz command. - Dynamic Speed Camera for SAPD
Easy to use,just do /speedcam,adjust the position and then let the players speed around it.They will get a ticket that must be payd with /payticket. - Dynamic Public Phones System[every phone has a file]
You can add more by accessing the /acp and "set public phone".If a player is around it,he will automatically call using a static number. - Player Control Panel [/pcp]
Every player has his own Control Panel where he is able to Toggle/Activate/Check stats/help and etc. - Contact List
Every player has his own Contact list where he is able to Add/Remove/Edit contacts.
It uses 0.3c embedding colors. - 0.3c Features
It uses Color Embedding for : Dialogs,Texts and Menus.
It uses 0.3c Engine Control for ownable/public vehicles https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=196330 - Vehicle Broke System
When a vehicle is exceeding 200 km/h the engine will break down untill the player uses /engine or a mechanic repairs it.
Also,there is a random system when a players tries to start up his vehicle. - Administration Chat
The Admin Team has now their own chat wich is color embedded and accessible by using /a. - Introductive tutorial
Every new player will be asked to do a tutorial wich can be skipped or going back with:
SHIFTKEY--Back - Contacts System
If you have a phone,you will be able to add/remove/call/view contacts.Everything is based in dialogs and it is very unique.It is also color embedded.
You just have to do /contact. - Registration System
You will be asked for sex,age,location,password.You will do a introductive tutorial and then you will be able to start playing. - Organisation System
- Faction System
It has 8 Factions at the moment:LSPD,SASD,LSEMS,SWAT,GOVERNMENT[Unique],SAN NEWS,343 Central Block,Security[unusable]. - License System
A Driving test wich includes exactly 50 checkpoints and a timer. - Job System
It has 5 jobs at the moment but there will be more:Gas Deliver,Taxi,Weapon Smuggler,Fishing Job,Weapon Dealer,Mechanic,Garbage Collector. - Fishing System
This is tooken from LS:RP. - Admin System[own]
LOT of commands for administrators only.You don't have to add any Admin System while your using this because you have all the basic commands here.There will be more like /prison /unprison,etc. - GPS System
You know where you are all the time! - Fuel System
- 0.3c Functions
- Trunk System
The best trunk system:/trunk. - House storing System
Commands:/store,/load,/househelp. - Select Spawn System
Commands:/selectspawn - Unique Government System[Real Life GOV Ranks]
Over 13 ranks wich includes a Area Cuncil System.Ministery of Economy,everything like IRL. - 24/7 System
You can buy lot of things from the 24/7 Shop. - Admin Control Panel
Tens of dialogs for the Administration Control Panel(/acp) - Player Control Panel
Lot of actions that can be executed from PCP - Clickable Player Moderator Panel
You can Kick/Warn/UnWarn/Ban/Slap/Freeze/Prison/etc. a player if you click him in the TAB Menu InGame.
You will just have to click him and a table will be shown up with possible actions. - Death system
If you got murdered you still have a chance to live if someone sees you.
- Casino System
Commands: /spin.You can easly set a casino whereever you want by using /setbizz. - New Factions:SASD[San Andreas Sheriff Department,SWAT[Special Weapons And Tactics]
Tooken from LS:RP but great scripted.SWAT has the HQ inside LSPD and SASD is at the county side. - Over 800 houses around LS
- Over 50 businesses around LS[easly to add /setbizz]
- Lot more!
__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Special Special Thanks to:
Cuervo Negro --- For Logs
RetardedWolf --- For NonStop Support
Luxurion --- BetaTester
Y-Less---Getting help for the vehicle system
Lil Weezy---BetaTester
Thanks to Cisatr for Vehicle Names
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Credits that i forgot to add:
Caging Players -- Yaheli_Faro.
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- Vehicle Dealership
I know the vehicle ID bug.Im still trying to fix it .
There is something you can do untill i release the next version.
The system actually gets any already sold vehicle and sets its parameters for the newest owner.You can just enter your Account file in Scriptfiles-->INTELRP-->Accounts and change your "Sellings" parameter to 99.
You will now have to go to the dealership wich is located near the Bank and buy some vehicles(as much as you want) and then sell them so noone will be bugged anymore.
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Version 1.0
Version 1.1
Version 1.2

Version 1.3

Version 1.4

Mirrors from users
Namaco -- http://wfurl.com/9371dd6