11.02.2011, 21:28
Последний раз редактировалось Stigg; 11.02.2011 в 22:41.
SOLVED. Thanks
just save it with the a key "save" (as example) and the value of 0 and 1's, 1 for picked up, 0 for not
Or you write for each pickup a line like BonusPickup_%d=1| "" = 0 (%d is the id) |
format(winstring, sizeof winstring, "BonusPickup_%d", i);
dini_Set("filename.txt", string, "1");
if(dini_Get("filename.txt", "BonusPickup_0")) //0 for the first BonusPickup[0]
//Got picked up
} else {
just before you destroy the pickup
pawn Код:
pawn Код: