30.04.2011, 11:03
Последний раз редактировалось Jeffry; 22.06.2015 в 16:33.
Причина: Updated to v1.1 | 22.06.2015: Fixed PasteBin-Pictures
[FS/INC] WeaponDrop v1.1
Hello guys,
this is my fourth release. I had some free-time last week and made this little Filterscript, which can also be used as an Include. It will make your weapons drop on the floor as pickups when you die.
What is this Filterscript?
- It is a little Filterscript, which drops your weapons as pickups when you die. You can also set, that a money-bag will be dropped with money in it. Later more.
- Added command: /dropweapon [opt:ammo]
- Added OnWeaponDropExit();
- This is the time until the dropped pickups get destroyed. Modify it if you wish.
- -1 = Money bad is ON and all money of the death player will be in it.
- 0 = Money bag is OFF
- 1+ = Money bag is ON with the defined number of money.
- 1 = Money comes from the death player.
- 0 = Money comes from the server.
- Here you enter the weapon IDs of the weapons you don't want to be created.
I have already pre-defined three weapon IDs, but feel free to remove them if you wish.
- Filterscript version:
- Download the script.
- Place it as a new Filterscript in your 'filterscripts' folder.
- Open your 'server.cfg' and write beside 'filterscripts': WeaponDrop
- Save and run your server.
- Enjoy!
- Include verion:
- Download the Include.
- Place it as a new Include in your 'pawno/include' folder.
- Open the FS/GM you want it to be in.
- Now you have to add:
- At OnGameModeInit or OnFilterScriptInit: OnWeaponDropInit();
- At OnPlayerDeath: OnWeaponDrop(playerid)
- At OnPlayerPickUpPickup: OnWeaponDropPickup(playerid, pickupid);
- At OnPlayerComandText: if(OnWeaponDropCommand(playerid, cmdtext) == 1) return 1;
- At OnGameModeExit or OnFilterScriptExit: OnWeaponDropExit();
- Compile the script and run your server.
- Enjoy!
- There is a bug at the GetPlayerWeaponData function. Sometimes not all weapons get created with correct ammo. (Reported)
- If you find some others, please report them here, so I can fix them.
- Jeffry: Coding & Testing
- Filterscript Version:(Recommended!)
Readme! - Include Version: (Only recommended for people who know how to handle with includes)
Readme! - In the attachments you can directly download the AMX and the PWN file if you wish.
Feel free to modify the Filterscript/Include in any way you want. Of course I'd be happy if you give me /credits.
If you have any questions or ideas or bugs feel free to post them here.
Now enjoy the FS, and please leave your comments & opinions!!

Best Replies:
These are great Jeffry (as always), specially since this was one of ur first ones. Well as i've already said to you, i'll be using this on my server