[FilterScript] PowerSprunk

PowerSprunk v0.1
by dock (Tika Spic, xdrive)

Hello, let me introduce you to the PowerSprunk FS. Basically I always had a problem with sprunks, they are too over-powered when it comes to RolePlay servers ($1 for ~35hp is too much) so I decided to create this filterscript, but I wouldn't want not to share it with you guys...

First of all, the special thanks, and you need these by the way:
You also need a folder in your `scriptfiles` folder called `PowerSprunk` ...

Also I should mention that the FS only passed some mild testing ... No hardcore testing, if you find bugs please PM me so I can fix them, or feel free to fix them yourselves if you want to.. thanks

The defines:

SPRUNK_DEF - DISABLED SPRUNKS + DYNAMIC SPRUNKS - change if you want more/less
SPRUNK_LOCATION - sprunk folder location
DISABLED_SPRUNK_MESSAGE - message for disables sprunks
OLD_SPRUNK_MODEL - model id for an old sprunk machine (should not be changed..)
NEW_SPRUNK_MODEL - model id for a new sprunk machine (should not be changed..)
USED_SPRUNK_MODEL - which model id is gonna be used (you can change this)
DIALOG_SPRUNK_ID - Dialog ID for /setsprunk command, redifine if it matches a dialog id in your script
DYNAMIC_SPRUNK_COST - how much a dynamic sprunk drink costs
DISABLED_SPRUNK_HP - How much a regular sprunk gives hp (should not be changed..)
DYNAMIC_SPRUNK_HP - How much a dynamic sprunk gives hp (you can change this)

The commands:

/disablesprunk - Disables a stock sprunk at your current location
/createsprunk - Creates a dynamic sprunk vending machine model
/editsprunk - Allows the further movement of the sprunk vending machine model
/setsprunk - Sets the drinking place for a dynamic sprunk
/checksprunk - Checks if a close object is a dynamic sprunk model and gives back its dynamic ID
/removesprunk - Destroys a dynamic sprunk vending machine model (if within 2.0 of you)
*Le photography:
Le Click


Hope it helps someone

dock, Tika Spic, xdrive

This is awesome! Very useful, good job!

Thank you very much

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