26.04.2015, 10:20
Last edited by PrivatioBoni; 29/04/2015 at 08:52 PM.
(Sorry, couldn't figure out how to embed).
Has anyone ever seen this before (could barely find any results on the SA:MP forum) and knows roughly what causes it?
- Restarting didn't help
- First properly started happening when around 15 player I believe, later settled down but then started to happen with only a couple of people online
- It is not an interior or virtual world problem. I have been spamming /getint and /getvw on players and the interiors/VWs remained.
- I use Fallout streamer at this point
- No code under OnPlayerUpdate
I'll add more detail as I think of it.
EDIT after changing streamer to Incognito (I now doubt whether this is the actual issue):
- The bug re-occurs, there were around 5-6 players online on this occasion
- If I remember correctly, someone reported that the script spams a hint message, one you get when your state changes to driver/passenger)
- A user reported to me that vehicles disappeared for him
- I still maintain this is not a VW/interior bug though.
New video:
- Removed all mapping and building removals
- Disabled /spec command and removed its related functionality
- Readded mapping and building removals to see if the problem is in fact the /spec functionality
- Re-added /spec but it's now more simple
- Maybe forgot to mention some things.
- This bug has not occurred since.
- I then happened to experience a server-hanging bug which also hasn't happened since (the question is, since when?!)
(Sorry, couldn't figure out how to embed).
Has anyone ever seen this before (could barely find any results on the SA:MP forum) and knows roughly what causes it?
- Restarting didn't help
- First properly started happening when around 15 player I believe, later settled down but then started to happen with only a couple of people online
- It is not an interior or virtual world problem. I have been spamming /getint and /getvw on players and the interiors/VWs remained.
- I use Fallout streamer at this point
- No code under OnPlayerUpdate
I'll add more detail as I think of it.
EDIT after changing streamer to Incognito (I now doubt whether this is the actual issue):
- The bug re-occurs, there were around 5-6 players online on this occasion
- If I remember correctly, someone reported that the script spams a hint message, one you get when your state changes to driver/passenger)
- A user reported to me that vehicles disappeared for him
- I still maintain this is not a VW/interior bug though.
New video:
- Removed all mapping and building removals
- Disabled /spec command and removed its related functionality
- Readded mapping and building removals to see if the problem is in fact the /spec functionality
- Re-added /spec but it's now more simple
- Maybe forgot to mention some things.
- This bug has not occurred since.
- I then happened to experience a server-hanging bug which also hasn't happened since (the question is, since when?!)