09.01.2013, 05:28
Hey guys,
my scores/cash are not saving in Hosted server.
My Script :
Please Help.
Made from Here : Tutorial of newbienoob
my scores/cash are not saving in Hosted server.
My Script :
pawn Код:
enum PlayerInfo
Pass[129], //User's password
Adminlevel, //User's admin level
VIPlevel, //User's vip level
Money, //User's money
Scores, //User's scores
Kills, //User's kills
Deaths //User's deaths
new pInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][PlayerInfo];
stock Path(playerid) //Will create a new stock so we can easily use it later to load/save user's data in user's path
new str[128],name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
return str;
forward loadaccount_user(playerid, name[], value[]);
public loadaccount_user(playerid, name[], value[])
INI_String("Password", pInfo[playerid][Pass],129); /*we will use INI_String to load user's password.
("Password",.. will load user's password inside of user's path. 'pInfo[playerid][Pass]',...We have defined our user's variable above called, pInfo. Now it's time to use it here to load user's password. '129',... 129 is a length of a hashed user's password. Whirlpool will hash 128 characters + NULL*/
INI_Int("AdminLevel",pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel]);/*We will use INI_Int to load user's admin level. INI_Int stands for INI_Integer. This load an admin level. */
INI_Int("VIPLevel",pInfo[playerid][VIPlevel]);//As explained above
INI_Int("Money",pInfo[playerid][Money]); //As explained above
INI_Int("Scores",pInfo[playerid][Scores]);//As explained above
INI_Int("Kills",pInfo[playerid][Kills]);//As explained above
INI_Int("Deaths",pInfo[playerid][Deaths]);//As explained above
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; //Making a new variable called 'name'. name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME] is created so we can use it to get player's name.
GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof(name)); //Get player's name
if(fexist(Path(playerid))) /* Check if the connected user is registered or not. fexist stands for file exist. So if file exist in the files(Path(playerid)),*/
{// then
INI_ParseFile(Path(playerid),"loadaccount_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid); //Will load user's data using INI_Parsefile.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,login,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Login","Welcome back. This account is registered. \nInsert your password to login to your account","Login","Quit");/*A dialog with input style will appear so you can insert your password to login.*/
else //If the connected user is not registered,
{//then we will 'force' him to register :)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,register,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Register","Welcome! This account is not registered.\nEnter your own password to create a new account.","Register","Quit");
return 1;
killstreak[playerid] = 0; //sets the player's killstreak to 0
new string[64], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
format(string,sizeof string,"..::%s Has Joined the Server::..",pName);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3336, 81.6016, 689.8125, 4.1406, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3336, 98.9063, 658.4297, 4.1406, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3335, -213.0781, 193.1172, 8.9688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3335, -214.5469, 229.6641, 11.2422, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 705, -151.8438, 200.6641, 7.5313, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 4516, -141.3359, 468.6484, 12.9141, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 4517, -193.8281, 269.5078, 12.8906, 0.25);
return 1;
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
new INI:file = INI_Open(Path(playerid)); //will open their file
INI_SetTag(file,"Player's Data");//We will set a tag inside of user's account called "Player's Data"
INI_WriteInt(file,"AdminLevel",pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel]); //If you've set his/her admin level, then his/her admin level will be saved inside of his/her account
INI_WriteInt(file,"VIPLevel",pInfo[playerid][VIPlevel]);//As explained above
INI_WriteInt(file,"Money",GetPlayerMoney(playerid));//We will save his money inside of his account
INI_WriteInt(file,"Scores",GetPlayerScore(playerid));//We will save his score inside of his account
INI_WriteInt(file,"Kills",pInfo[playerid][Kills]);//As explained above
INI_WriteInt(file,"Deaths",pInfo[playerid][Deaths]);//As explained above
killstreak[playerid] = 0;
case 0: format(string,sizeof string,"..::%s left the server. (Timed out)::..",name);
case 1: format(string,sizeof string,"..::%s left the server. (Leaving)::..",name);
case 2: format(string,sizeof string,"..::%s left the server. (Kicked/Banned)::..",name);
return 1;
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
return 1;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(dialogid == register) //If dialog id is a register dialog
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); //If they clicked the second button "Quit", we will kick them.
if(response) //if they clicked the first button "Register"
if(!strlen(inputtext)) //If they didn't enter any password
{// then we will tell to them to enter the password to register
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,register,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Register","Welcome! This account is not registered.\nEnter your own password to create a new account.\nPlease enter the password!","Register","Quit");
return 1;
//If they have entered a correct password for his/her account...
new hashpass[129]; //Now we will create a new variable to hash his/her password
WP_Hash(hashpass,sizeof(hashpass),inputtext);//We will use whirlpool to hash their inputted text
new INI:file = INI_Open(Path(playerid)); // we will open a new file for them to save their account inside of Scriptfiles/Users folder
INI_SetTag(file,"Player's Data");//We will set a tag inside of user's account called "Player's Data"
INI_WriteString(file,"Password",hashpass);//This will write a hashed password into user's account
INI_WriteInt(file,"AdminLevel",0); //Write an integer inside of user's account called "AdminLevel". We will set his level to 0 after he registered.
INI_WriteInt(file,"VIPLevel",0);//As explained above
INI_WriteInt(file,"Money",0);//Write an integer inside of user's account called "Money". We will set their money to 0 after he registered
INI_WriteInt(file,"Scores",0);//Write an integer inside of user's account called "Scores". We will set their score to 0 after he registered
INI_WriteInt(file,"Kills",0);//As explained above
INI_WriteInt(file,"Deaths",0);//As explained above
INI_Close(file);//Now after we've done saving their data, we now need to close the file
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You have been successfully registered");//Tell to them that they have successfully registered a new account
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, rules, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Rules", "*Do Not Spam/Flood Chat.\n*Do Not Advertise servers Here.\n*Do Not use Any Third-Party Programme.\nRespect Server Staff and Players.\nEnjoy your Stay :D", "Close", "");
return 1;
if(dialogid == login) //If dialog id is a login dialog
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); //If they clicked the second button "Quit", we will kick them.
if(response) //if they clicked the first button "Register"
new hashpass[129]; //Will create a new variable to hash his/her password
WP_Hash(hashpass,sizeof(hashpass),inputtext); //Will hash inputted password
if(!strcmp(hashpass,pInfo[playerid][Pass])) //If they have insert their correct password
INI_ParseFile(Path(playerid),"loadaccount_%s",.bExtra = true, .extra = playerid);//We will load his account's data from user's path
SetPlayerScore(playerid,pInfo[playerid][Scores]);//We will get their score inside of his user's account and we will set it here
GivePlayerMoney(playerid,pInfo[playerid][Money]);//As explained above
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Welcome back! You have successfully logged in");//Tell them that they've successfully logged in
else //If they've entered an incorrect password
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,login,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Login","Welcome back. This account is registered. \nInsert your password to login to your account.\nIncorrect password!","Login","Quit");//We will tell to them that they've entered an incorrect password
return 1;
return 1;
Made from Here : Tutorial of newbienoob