Hello, my name is Skoalify

Thank-you for taking the time and interest in reading my introduction today as I come before you with just my avatar and this post. I'm new to the SA-MP community, but not the modification itself. In-fact I can see SA-MP one day becoming more than just a free software, it has so much potential to make the main developers money like never before. Anyways, my reasoning for coming here would be rather similar to everyone else s, and that is for the reliable source for development of my own server. I've been one who always digged roleplay, however theirs never been that "perfect" roleplay server.. And with only a few to select from, in regards to a player peak as I assume all can agree that it's not fun with 20 players you all know by heart - Theirs never really been much of a choice between which server I wanted to roleplay on.

Assuming you both heard about LS:RP and NG:RP, you'll know that one is hardcore on its roleplay and yet very famous, and the other being NG:RP which isn't so much on roleplay but even more famous. My goal is to set a balanced amount of both sides of their spectrum yet leaning more to the side of realistic/roleplay to introduce a new roleplay server that has learned from both of the communities mistakes, and will run off the amazing script developed by scratch 100% that is superior amongst functionality and features to the competing servers such as these two. I've had my journey being a member of both, and it's time I learn from a normal players understanding of what is needed and better yet prefered in such a server.

My Mission for this new community.
[COLOR="Navy"]My mission is to continually provide players with the cutting edge in multi-player immovability, functionality and entertainment. To do the paramount in studying other community’s inaccuracies, and fix them accordingly. Secondly, to listen to what players always sought and imagined from the ultimate experience in gaming - And actually taking these suggestions into deep consideration upon the amount of requests in what the community wants, and not what 1 or 2 high command administrators, if not executives, want from the server. This calls for the sacrifice in such rankings personal likings, but it's a stretch I'm willing to propose if it benefits the community
So this is my reasoning for coming here, and as you should know now that me having a script is the least of my worries.. It's of course the development in the future that will matter, and running through these forums daily, making friends and so forth - I hope to learn more of the language, gain expertise advice and even friends to help me on this journey.


- Skoalify

Hi, Welcome to the forum.

That is a nicely written introduction, but please post it here instead: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=272888


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