How can I add a new line to character files ?

I 've a samp server. I 've a lot of player in my server, So When I add somethigns to my server , I can edit my all character files.But I 've got 15.000 Character Files, So I can't edit it like a chicken.I need a program or code.
How can I do that? Thank you.
Good days.

No-one is know it? It shouldn't be hard.

well you can make ur job easier by adding the line at OnPlayerConnect so when player connects and needs to use the new feature it has the file^^:
for example when you add a new car system and you use dini system
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
       new path[100], pName[100];
       GetPlayerName(playerid, pName,sizeof(pName));
       format(path, sizeof(path), "%s.ini");
       dini_Set(path, carkey, -1)//-1 is means that player doesn't own any car
       //rest of the code
I hope this helps

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