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How can I add a new line to character files ? - Printable Version

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How can I add a new line to character files ? - fuem1907 - 17.09.2012

I 've a samp server. I 've a lot of player in my server, So When I add somethigns to my server , I can edit my all character files.But I 've got 15.000 Character Files, So I can't edit it like a chicken.I need a program or code.
How can I do that? Thank you.
Good days.

Re: How can I add a new line to character files ? - fuem1907 - 17.09.2012

No-one is know it? It shouldn't be hard.

AW: How can I add a new line to character files ? - arvifilter - 18.09.2012

well you can make ur job easier by adding the line at OnPlayerConnect so when player connects and needs to use the new feature it has the file^^:
for example when you add a new car system and you use dini system
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
       new path[100], pName[100];
       GetPlayerName(playerid, pName,sizeof(pName));
       format(path, sizeof(path), "%s.ini");
       dini_Set(path, carkey, -1)//-1 is means that player doesn't own any car
       //rest of the code
I hope this helps