
Hey im trying to fix a textdraw into the game, but it wont work.

	new Text:Textdraw1;
	Textdraw1 = TextDrawCreate(488, 120, "just a text here");
	TextDrawFont(Textdraw1 , 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraw1 , 1, 7);
	TextDrawColor(Textdraw1 , 0xFFFFFFFF);
	TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraw1 , 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraw1 , 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Textdraw1 , 1);
I used BSN Textdraw Editor, but somehow it just wont work.
im trying to get it under the moneybar or above the clock.

Please help!

How doesn't it work? What's the problem?

Originally Posted by $mooth
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Hey im trying to fix a textdraw into the game, but it wont work.

	new Text:Textdraw1;
	Textdraw1 = TextDrawCreate(488, 120, "just a text here");
	TextDrawFont(Textdraw1 , 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraw1 , 1, 7);
	TextDrawColor(Textdraw1 , 0xFFFFFFFF);
	TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraw1 , 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraw1 , 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Textdraw1 , 1);
I used BSN Textdraw Editor, but somehow it just wont work.
im trying to get it under the moneybar or above the clock.

Please help!
Not have TextDrawShowForPlayer... Try...

You have to show the textdraw too.

pawn Код:
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw1);

I've tried to put in TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw1);
but where do i put it? Cuz' when i do it wont work, getting: undefined symbol "playerid"

Put it to OnPlayerSpawn.

This is my code there:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
	if (IsPlayerNPC(playerid))
		return 1;

	if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == false)
		SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_FailedLoginProperly);

	new missiontext[200];

    SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
	SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
	APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse] = 0;

	TogglePlayerClock(playerid, 0);


	switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass])
		case ClassTruckDriver: 
			format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Trucker_NoJobText); 
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassTruckDriver);
		case ClassBusDriver: 
			format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), BusDriver_NoJobText); 
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassBusDriver); 
		case ClassPilot: 
			format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Pilot_NoJobText); 
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassPilot);
		case ClassPolice:
			format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Police_NoJobText); 
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassPolice);
			APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer] = SetTimerEx("Police_CheckWantedPlayers", 1000, true, "i", playerid);
			if (PoliceGetsWeapons == true)
				for (new i; i < 12; i++)
				    GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, APoliceWeapons[i], PoliceWeaponsAmmo);
		case ClassMafia: 
			format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Mafia_NoJobText); 
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassMafia); 
			APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer] = SetTimerEx("Mafia_CheckMafiaLoads", 1000, true, "i", playerid);
		case ClassCourier: 
			format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Courier_NoJobText); 
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassCourier); 
		case ClassAssistance: 
			format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Assistance_NoJobText);
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassAssistance); 
			APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer] = SetTimerEx("Assistance_CheckPlayers", 1000, true, "i", playerid);
		case ClassRoadWorker: 
			format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), RoadWorker_NoJobText); 
			SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassRoadWorker);

	TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], missiontext);
	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][MissionText]);

	if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] != 0)
	    Police_JailPlayer(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed]);

	return 1;
But cant seem to find where to put it, im sorry for asking so much, but im a newbie and better to learn and take it it anyways, thank you for the help

This should be fine.

pawn Код:
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse] = 0;
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw1);

Sorry for being a pain in the a** ^^
but when i complie i get this code:

*********************.pwn(1206) : error 017: undefined symbol "Textdraw1"

If you have it like this

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
    new Text:Textdraw1;
    Textdraw1 = TextDrawCreate(488, 120, "just a text here");
    TextDrawFont(Textdraw1 , 1);
    TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraw1 , 1, 7);
    TextDrawColor(Textdraw1 , 0xFFFFFFFF);
    TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraw1 , 1);
    TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraw1 , 1);
    TextDrawSetShadow(Textdraw1 , 1);
then it should be like this

pawn Код:
new Text:Textdraw1;

public OnGameModeInit()
    Textdraw1 = TextDrawCreate(488, 120, "just a text here");
    TextDrawFont(Textdraw1 , 1);
    TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraw1 , 1, 7);
    TextDrawColor(Textdraw1 , 0xFFFFFFFF);
    TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraw1 , 1);
    TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraw1 , 1);
    TextDrawSetShadow(Textdraw1 , 1);

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