Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical)

I don't really see why the chat and deathlist was changed in 0.2x. They were fine the way they were, I haven't really heard anyone complain about it. Game ran a lot smother with 0.2x chatbox.

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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Something must have changed with the vehicle loading too. Like on CrazyBobs, I exit the cityhall and there is always a mess with cars there (5-20 cars). My FPS drops instantly from 45 to 7 and stays so until the vehicle models are not visible anymore. However, I did not have this problem in previous SA:MP version (0.3b <-). There used to be more vehicles in 0.3b and below, and it worked perfectly fine. But 0.3c is just a FPS rape for me.

Also, WackoX: even though everyone is not getting the issues that doesn't mean it's not a issue that needs to be fixed!
Originally Posted by pen_theGun
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Do you use Win7 x64? Because theres no such problem on XP.
I'm using Windows XP SP3 32-bit. I never changed my OS and the lag still born.

Originally Posted by WackoX
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Well, your download is just a little better, but my ping is far better.
Check my distance to the server and check yours. At the place where I live, Lisbon is the closest server where I can get a test on.
But we are here discussing about bugs, not internet speed. Right?

I think this isn't of a big deal because this effect only appeared on 0.3 versions?
I'll test 0.2X and 0.3c and confirm if the FPS are better on 0.2X chat style. If they are, then problem solved, just get the chat GUI from 0.2X, adapt 0.3 chat code to its GUI and test once again.

I agree, disabling chat (2xF7) makes my FPS go way up, just like disable everything (F10) and showing score menu (TAB) makes it increase.
It would be great if they make something like a lite version or so, for olders computers, but i still don't have any problems with synce though.

Theres no need for a lite version. Seriously, we are talking about GTASA, not GTA IV. The problem here is the chat that decreases the FPS, nothing else.
If you have a PC from 2001 then it's time to get a new one.
My PC is old, it's from 2006, but it can handle mostly good the newest games, and handling GTASA on this PC is a joke and I just have an Intel Core Duo 2.14Ghz.

As I said before, I never had problems handling SAMP until 0.3, and since people are confirming that the chat is lagging it then it's there where we have to search solutions to improve the performance. I don't have problems handling SA-MP that bad, it's just that the FPS drops are more frequent and when theres about 10 people on my screen things start to get laggier (30 fps or lower) and if I click once on F7 it gets to normal 48 fps.
It doesn't happen for everyone, but it still does happen to some people even with i5's and i7's CPUs and with PCs from 2009-2010.
I'd say do a few tweaks on the chat performance, and next version we will see how it behaves.

I got a 16 MB graphics card ( radeon 7500 ), and I usually get around 20-40 FPS, if I remove that chat, and make it lighter, I get 45+ sometimes. About the weapons, myself, I play on a TDM server and I have noticed it.

That FPS thing isn't that serious, if I have a 16 MB graphics card and I can play with 40 FPS sometimes, I think you guys with graphics like 256+ MB will have no problems. If I turn on my Fraps, I get 15-35 FPS and 40+ with F7.

Mean, you don't have a 16MB graphics card. You have the minimum requirement for GTA:SA, which is 64MB. The Radeon 7500 has got 64MB. And 30FPS is not lag, a movie is between 25-29,97FPS, 24FPS is the minimum for creating a moving picture.

So if you lag at 30FPS, it's not your graphics card or the graphics card refresh the image faster then it provides the new image.

And a game is not just relying on your graphics card, remember that.

Originally Posted by [03]Garsino
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I don't really see why the chat and deathlist was changed in 0.2x. They were fine the way they were, I haven't really heard anyone complain about it. Game ran a lot smother with 0.2x chatbox.
Because they look nicer. It's called improvement.

Originally Posted by MP2
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Because they look nicer. It's called improvement.
I still miss it where you hold TAB the scorelist is only shown until you release the button.

Originally Posted by WackoX
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Well, your download is just a little better, but my ping is far better.
He only has higher ping than you, because he used a server that was about 900 miles away from him, whereas you used one that was less than 50 miles away from you.

I got same Opionion as Diablosrouge Got here

on the end theres text so that you can finish reading
Servers SAY about 100 slots [approx player let it be 80]
a lot alot of spam which makes alot of lags
Rather in 0.2x i used to play a server where too server used to be full [70-72 ppls] with alot of player and same spam
But i dont got much lag there that i get in 0.3c.

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