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Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - Printable Version

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Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - Diablosrouge - 07.03.2011

During 0.3 period, more particularly on 0.3c, we've seen some changes, both to worse and better.

All of you know the sync problems 0.3a had and fortunately they were mostly fixed on 0.3b.
Now on 0.3c, we have the player sync a bit better than 0.3b but some problems came up, which are very toxic specially to the Death Match.

Let's speak about FPS drops. Since 0.3 version the FPS dropped considerably and players who would get constant 45 fps, now get FPS drops every 5 minutes or so. And those who have older computers (starting by intel core duo dual cores) and used to get 45 fps without a problem and even run another game behind SAMP, are now having trouble maintaining a constant 45 fps along their playing time.
This change has been noticed on the transition from 0.2X to 0.3(abc).

Problem #1:
The suspected main cause of this, is the chat GUI that was modified prior to 0.3. The letters have more Bold than the previous version 0.2X, which means more graphical performance is required to process the chat.
It has been noticed that if you click F7 once, your chat gets lighter and more transparent, and an average of 7-10 FPS increase, resulting on a better game stability. Even the high-end computers (i5, i7 and so on) do have this lag and get a better performance once the chat is lighter.

My proposal to fix this FPS drop problem should be to get the old chat GUI from 0.2X, keeping the 0.3 features, so it wouldn't require as much CPU and Graphic usage, allowing players to have a quite bigger FPS average while playing.

Problem #2:

The weapon sync got worse from 0.3b to 0.3c in what touches to bullet count. SA-MP has difficulty in many cases to sync the players and their bullet ammount on a gun. For example, on Spas12 now players are seeing each other reload pretty often, when, in fact, they are shooting the player.
Basically Player1 shoots 6 bullets, switch to a weapon and then switch back to Spas, he will shoot another load of bullets and Player2 will see him reloading instead.
It is confirmed that this problem appeared on 0.3c and is a critical point to the Death Match community, which its fixability is a must.



Review the 0.3c weapon sync code and comparing it with 0.3b, see what changed and perform tests to see if the bug was fixed.

Problem #3:

Sniper sync was also critically affected on 0.3c because this bug was inexistent on all the other SAMP versions.
The problem with sniper is that you have 25% of probability to see a sniper his own head. Another thing that is very critical specially on Attack and Defend matches in which Sniper is a vital weapon and if the sync is failing, then all the match will be affected, causing people to get mad, and closing doors to SAMP DM expansion.



Review the 0.3c weapon sync code and comparing it with 0.3b, see what changed and perform tests to see if the bug was fixed.

I really hope 0.3d or 0.4 or whatever version comes next really fixes these 3 problems for good, because they born on 0.3c and it's starting to piss off many people inside the Death Match community.
0.3c brought in many cool things indeed, but if bugs start arising from nothing, they should be killed as soon as possible. On the old code this didnt happen, so you got a start point
Also you may not see many people comment this, because a major part of the DM community barely puts their feet here or isn't informed where about the Bug Report is. We are getting through a new generation of players and the old ones are leaving, that's why I'm here, to elaborate a bug topic dedicated specially to the DM side of SAMP, along with other opinions from other players from other SAMP Communities.
But since Kye and their Dev team read these forums, here I am posting the bugs.

Kind Regards,

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - JernejL - 07.03.2011

Weapon sync was not modified in 0.3b or 0.3c, it's same since 0.3a...

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - dugi - 07.03.2011

To people that found their posts removed: Please post here only if you have something relevant to add to the issues posted here.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - Darius - 07.03.2011

Originally Posted by JernejL
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Weapon sync was not modified in 0.3b or 0.3c, it's same since 0.3a...
I can confirm your wrong, I myself am a DMer and play TCW's daily, as I am the spas player of [uL] I have noticed alot of the time when I fight the other member of the clan with the spas, that they are reloading alot more than on previous sa-mp versions. Or in general after shooting for awhile I don't damage people (reloading on their screen) This has always been a bit of a problem, but it has got worse on the current version.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - Diablosrouge - 07.03.2011

Originally Posted by JernejL
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Weapon sync was not modified in 0.3b or 0.3c, it's same since 0.3a...

Originally Posted by RayW
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0.3b's weapon sync is vastly superior. That has been tested and proven. Just because an animation syncing error appeared does NOT make 0.3b sync worse than 0.3a...
There had to be changes from 0.3a to 0.3b otherwise a Beta Tester wouldn't be saying this.
The weapon sync doesn't magically get better, some code had to be changed there to improve the weapon sync "vastly". And now from 0.3b to 0.3c the sync is still good in what touches to hitbox etc, but we are getting that reloading bug, just that. Everything else is fine.
We didn't see such bug on 0.3b, so something was done about either the weapon sync or the player weapon data because this SA-MP version is failing to count the spas12 bullets on a small period of time.
Something was done to make this bug occur.
The other weapons have this bug too but we rarely see 1 in 100, so something's wrong with Spas12.

And about Sniper...sometimes players shoot their own head. It's not as frequent as the Spas12 bug, but still it's a fair probability of it happen since I had it about 3 times in a row when fighting a player.

Something went wrong with these 2 weapons, and we are here to try and help you fix it. Usually we DMers are very critical in what touches to sync and such things because that's how DM works, it's about sync.
We aren't here to hate or create a bad criticism about SA-MP, we are here to help
I'm telling this to avoid some people to think on the wrong way.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - Kalcor - 08.03.2011

Regarding the chat font. Yes, it does use quite a bit of fps if you run in a high resolution. Most of us running the game at these high resolutions already have close to 100 fps, so losing 10 fps for the chat isn't a big deal.

You can decrease the fps used by the chat by running the game in a lower resolution. If you bump up the Anti-aliasing in a lower resolution it should look fairly similar.

About the weapon reloading issue. There were changes between 0.3a and 0.3b, but not between 0.3b and 0.3c in this area. I'm not sure if it's really a new problem. I'll have a look at it for any future versions.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - kurta999 - 08.03.2011

And the vehicle sync in train is better in 0.3b. I'm have train, to driver NPC. Tested with 0.3b and i not 'moved' on train trailer, but in 0.3c yes.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - MP2 - 08.03.2011

Don't remove the double border chat, just have it toggle-able. Why should we all have low graphics to suit the needs of people with shit computers? I NEVER have low FPS apart from when I'm recording with fraps, which is understandable. I do agree with the rest though, the sync is quite bad but it's hard to get it perfect.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - Daniel June - 08.03.2011

+1 to everything stated in the first post of this thread.
Everything is true, I've noticed it also, the fact that your opponent keeps reloading and sometimes bug out, which I've seen on a friends computer when fighting against him.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - Diablosrouge - 08.03.2011

Originally Posted by WackoX
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Please people stop posting topics like this, the forum is full of this crap.
I've been here since 0.1b, and i can tell you, that the sync has only been improved.

* Get better PC.
* Get better internet connection.
* Optimize your script.
Well this is exactly the kind of post which demotivates some people to report bugs because they think they will feel ridiculous because some guys like you come here and despise the whole topic without even making any analizys of what's being discussed nor finding any solutions for it.

Now to answer your question.
I do have a good PC. And I've been playing since the early 0.1b too.
It's not the script's fault because it happens in any server.
And this isn't "crap". This is a formal report to the existent bug, otherwise we wouldn't be reporting it.

And about the internet connection:



Kind Regards,

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - Anker_by - 08.03.2011

Agree with Diablosrouge.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - MP2 - 08.03.2011

@Diablosrogue: lag from lack of a good graphics card isn't a bug.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - Diablosrouge - 09.03.2011

It can be caused by a bug. Remember we are talking about an old engine used by Rockstar Games. Whatever you put or change on SAMP mod it affects the engine's performance because it's running on gta_sa.exe.

When I had a nvidia 7600GT 256MB for 2 years, I was playing with it until 0.2X. I never had any problems with it.
Then I got myself a nvidia 9800GTX+ gddr3 1GB and kept playing on 0.2X without any problems. When 0.3 came, I noticed a bit more FPS demanding. I didn't change the CPU so that could not be it.
Matter of fact the chat GUI got visually improved because we could see changes, and that's when the lag came in.

Otherwise how do you explain to me having 30 FPS the majority of the time while playing SA-MP with /fpslimit 48 now, and running Black Ops on 50-60 fps?
This isn't happening only to me, otherwise I wouldn't be making it of a drama. This is happening to a really lot of people I know and many of that people has i7's with the latest graphic cards.
And for some reason players don't have FPS drops, even with Fraps recording or not, when they click F7 once to put the chat lighter.
Once the chat gets lighter, the lag is gone. So something's wrong with it. It may not happen to everyone, but it's happening with more and more people over the time.
It could be a CPU leak or something, I don't know it, I'm not a decent coder to tell anything, but the fact it's that it has to be the source of the FPS drops.
Splitting the CPUs to the gta_sa.exe helped the stability, but theres always lag when the normal chat is on, and once again after clicking F7 once, the lag disapears.
I think that's worth checking it.

@Sniper bug. I'm having problems catching this little bug on tape :P it's kinda been a bad luck because when I'm ready to frap it doesn't happen and when I'm not ready it happens :P I will keep trying.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - Karlip - 09.03.2011

FPS loss and slow internet both create worse sync. 0.3c somewhat was a FPS drop for me, but overall 0.3 did it too. I could say that the issues are related to the new objects being added and causing FPS drops.
Also, WackoX, too many people have reported 0.3c as working not the way it should and I can say it too.

Originally Posted by Diablosrouge
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@Sniper bug. I'm having problems catching this little bug on tape :P it's kinda been a bad luck because when I'm ready to frap it doesn't happen and when I'm not ready it happens :P I will keep trying.
Could happen during high FPS? Because fraps does hog your game more.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - [03]Garsino - 09.03.2011

Originally Posted by Karlip
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FPS loss and slow internet both create worse sync. 0.3c somewhat was a FPS drop for me, but overall 0.3 did it too. I could say that the issues are related to the new objects being added and causing FPS drops.
Also, WackoX, too many people have reported 0.3c as working not the way it should and I can say it too.

Could happen during high FPS? Because fraps does hog your game more.
Something must have changed with the vehicle loading too. Like on CrazyBobs, I exit the cityhall and there is always a mess with cars there (5-20 cars). My FPS drops instantly from 45 to 7 and stays so until the vehicle models are not visible anymore. However, I did not have this problem in previous SA:MP version (0.3b <-). There used to be more vehicles in 0.3b and below, and it worked perfectly fine. But 0.3c is just a FPS rape for me.

Also, WackoX: even though everyone is not getting the issues that doesn't mean it's not a issue that needs to be fixed!

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - pen_theGun - 09.03.2011

Originally Posted by Diablosrouge
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When I had a nvidia 7600GT 256MB for 2 years, I was playing with it until 0.2X. I never had any problems with it.
Then I got myself a nvidia 9800GTX+ gddr3 1GB and kept playing on 0.2X without any problems. When 0.3 came, I noticed a bit more FPS demanding. I didn't change the CPU so that could not be it.
Matter of fact the chat GUI got visually improved because we could see changes, and that's when the lag came in.

Otherwise how do you explain to me having 30 FPS the majority of the time while playing SA-MP with /fpslimit 48 now, and running Black Ops on 50-60 fps?
Do you use Win7 x64? Because theres no such problem on XP.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - vital2k - 09.03.2011

I'm running Win7 64-bit and not having any problems what so ever. No FPS loss from any of the different sa-mp versions.

I know it's stupid question, but any chance you are using mods?

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - WackoX - 09.03.2011

Well, then i seem to be the only one not having this problem?
The synce is perfect, it has only got improved by every new version.

Well, your download is just a little better, but my ping is far better.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - MP2 - 09.03.2011

Sync is far from perfect, and it likely never will be. GTA SA is getting older as each day passes.

Re: Report from DeathMatch community - FPS and Syncing problems (critical) - Luk_Ass - 09.03.2011

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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Regarding the chat font. Yes, it does use quite a bit of fps if you run in a high resolution. Most of us running the game at these high resolutions already have close to 100 fps, so losing 10 fps for the chat isn't a big deal.

You can decrease the fps used by the chat by running the game in a lower resolution. If you bump up the Anti-aliasing in a lower resolution it should look fairly similar.

About the weapon reloading issue. There were changes between 0.3a and 0.3b, but not between 0.3b and 0.3c in this area. I'm not sure if it's really a new problem. I'll have a look at it for any future versions.
I have ~70 FPS with chat+background, ~90-95 FPS with chat and no background, 100 FPS without chat (tested in interior). Resolution 1366Ч768.

I think other unofficial multiplayers doesn't have this problem or just a little.