raise both timers, CP to 5 seconds, CaptureZone 10 seconds (to avoid spam later), and add a
SendClientMessage(debug stuff)
inside the both timers' callbacks. you will recognize when one timer takes over control, so maybe this leads into the right direction.
tip: Incognitos Profiler Plugin is a treasure chest, full of surprises:
it shows you the exact amount in µs - thats 1/1000ms btw - now THATS what i call accurate:
Function Calls Time per call, µs Overall time, µs Overall time, %
OnGameModeInit 1 1195090 1195090 4.80
GetPVarInt 669087 1 929225 3.73
LoadInteriors 1 362905 362905 1.46
LoadHouses 1 331006 331006 1.33
GangZonesLoad 1 44942 44942 0.18
SSts 45 3932 176920 0.71
LSts 1 9332 9332 0.04
the player-stats saving callback got called 45 times while the loading got called 1 time only. i know thats a waste of 44 calls, but i want the player data to be safe. its a waste, but intended. the ongamemodeinit takes long, but we all life with that. houses & interiors & gangzones loading once, thats ok. GetPVarInt's... i <3 'em...
your profiled timers could look like this:
Function Calls Time per call, µs Overall time, µs Overall time, %
CaptureZoneTimer 100 23456 2345600 4.00
CPTimer 250 12345 3016300 3.50
due to the CP timer running at double speed, the called-amount should be 2x in size, i put a "faulty" 250 inside, just to point out, that if your timer really runs faster then, should show a raised vale for Calls.
if its a suspicious increasement in comparison to the "slow" timer, then you know its getting called too often. search for that call in the script, then you will find it inside a callback where it doesnt belongs (in?)to?