28.01.2011, 21:37
Последний раз редактировалось David5290; 29.01.2011 в 03:22.
Okay my clock shows but it starts at 16:30 and then it goes to like 17:30 then it restarts at 16:30 again.
I tried messing with it, to sync my clock to WorldTime, and I messed it up it seems.
Here's the codes that I have in my GameMode.
Could someone check these codes and make sure they are correct, if they aren't could you please fix them in a reply.
I tried messing with it, to sync my clock to WorldTime, and I messed it up it seems.
Here's the codes that I have in my GameMode.
Could someone check these codes and make sure they are correct, if they aren't could you please fix them in a reply.
public OnGameModeInit() { SetTimer("UpdateTime",65009, 1);
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { TogglePlayerClock(playerid, 1); gettime(hour, minute); PlayerInfo[playerid][logminute] = 0; SetPlayerTime(playerid,hour,minute);
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) gettime(hour, minute); SetPlayerTime(playerid,hour,minute);
new worldTime; public UpdateTime() { gettime(hour, minute); worldTime++; worldTime%=24; SetWorldTime(hour); new x=0; while(x!=MAX_PLAYERS) { if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && GetPlayerState(x) != PLAYER_STATE_NONE) { SetPlayerTime(x,hour,minute); } x++; } if(minute < 1) { new string[128]; format(string, 128, "Game Time: %02d:00", minute); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, string);