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Time Error. Clock Restarts. - Printable Version

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Time Error. Clock Restarts. - David5290 - 28.01.2011

Okay my clock shows but it starts at 16:30 and then it goes to like 17:30 then it restarts at 16:30 again.

I tried messing with it, to sync my clock to WorldTime, and I messed it up it seems.

Here's the codes that I have in my GameMode.
Could someone check these codes and make sure they are correct, if they aren't could you please fix them in a reply.

public OnGameModeInit()
	SetTimer("UpdateTime",65009, 1);
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	TogglePlayerClock(playerid, 1);
	gettime(hour, minute);
 	PlayerInfo[playerid][logminute] = 0;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
	gettime(hour, minute);
new worldTime;
public UpdateTime()
        gettime(hour, minute);

	new x=0;
 		if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && GetPlayerState(x) != PLAYER_STATE_NONE)
	if(minute < 1)
  new string[128];
		format(string, 128, "Game Time: %02d:00", minute);
		SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, string);

Re: Time Error. Clock Restarts. - David5290 - 28.01.2011

Any suggestions?

Re: Time Error. Clock Restarts. - David5290 - 28.01.2011

Help? The time went to 18 and it stops at 19 and restarts back to 18 again, any ideas? V_V

Re: Time Error. Clock Restarts. - David5290 - 28.01.2011

Time is in sync with worldtime, but it keeps restarting..

AW: Time Error. Clock Restarts. - Nero_3D - 29.01.2011

JUST WAIT till someone knows whats wrong

I can only say that I dont see why it goes back and forth
I can only tell that there is some part missing at the end of UpdateTime in your post

And that this part is nonsense for me
pawn Код:
if(minute < 1)
  new string[128];
        format(string, 128, "Game Time: %02d:00", minute);
        SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, string);
Or why 65009 ?, instead of 60000 (1 min)
pawn Код:
SetTimer("UpdateTime",65009, 1);

Re: AW: Time Error. Clock Restarts. - David5290 - 29.01.2011

Originally Posted by Nero_3D
Посмотреть сообщение
JUST WAIT till someone knows whats wrong

I can only say that I dont see why it goes back and forth
I can only tell that there is some part missing at the end of UpdateTime in your post

And that this part is nonsense for me
pawn Код:
if(minute < 1)
  new string[128];
        format(string, 128, "Game Time: %02d:00", minute);
        SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, string);
Or why 65009 ?, instead of 60000 (1 min)
pawn Код:
SetTimer("UpdateTime",65009, 1);
I forgot to edit the post. And SetTimre to 6000, didn't really do anything, still keeps restarting.

Re: Time Error. Clock Restarts. - David5290 - 29.01.2011


Re: Time Error. Clock Restarts. - Antonio [G-RP] - 29.01.2011


Re: Time Error. Clock Restarts. - David5290 - 29.01.2011

Fixed, but now, I want the in-game clock to match the worldtime on my server.

public UpdateTime()
    gettime(hour, minute);

AW: Time Error. Clock Restarts. - Nero_3D - 29.01.2011

holy just do
pawn Код:
new hour, minute;
pawn Код:
    SetTimer("UpdateTime", 60 * 1000, true);
pawn Код:
    TogglePlayerClock(playerid, true);
    SetPlayerTime(playerid, hour, minute);
pawn Код:
    SetPlayerTime(playerid, hour, minute);
pawn Код:
forward UpdateTime();
public UpdateTime()
    gettime(hour, minute);
    for(new i; i != MAX_PLAYERS; i++) SetPlayerTime(i, hour, minute);

That will sync the time for all players and sets the world time to the time on the clock
And I dont know where the f****** problem was with that