[FilterScript] [FS] MoneyFlag [Feb 24: VERSION 3.2 is out!]

Version 3.2 is out, and it is highly recommended that you download and use asap- it corrects a number of bugs and adds some new features. Read the main post for more info. From now on, all releases will also contain a list of new features.

Is version 3.2 bugfree?

No, it's not. ATM I'm working on other things, SAMP-related or not- and I doubt very many people are interested, leaving me with little incentive to set other work aside.

Nobody would like to debug a code.
They prefer a bugfree-code, or wait for the next release.

I don't really know how many times I will have to say this to you; I. AM. BUSY. WITH. OTHER. STUFF. AT. THE. MOMENT. EXCLAMATION. MARK.
Also, I don't know if I want to release any future versions, I think I'd rather like to keep them for my own server.
Quite frankly, each time you nag me about this, (I am quite certain I've asked you to just let it fucking rest at least 20 times) the part of me that wants to work on this script dies a little.
When adding this to the fact that you are the only one who apparently gives a fuck, and nobody else cares whether I bugproof this or not, I doubt I ever will. And if I do, I'll probably just keep it for myself...

robhol i know how u feel, i use the 2nd version and the bugs are so SMALL that it really isnt a problem. This is only a little addon to your server and therfore doesnt have to b perfect. One negetive though is that if i change the repeat time to 10 minutes it doesnt like it but apart from that: SUPER.

I look forward to more releases from you in the near future.


Thanks for being understanding, and, really, you should use 3.2, not 2.0... reasons why are listed in the first post.

dead links...

Ok looks good and it's useful

Could anybody give me some link to this?

How can i get this script?

Please new links

*FACEPALM* link is dead, just links to ur website

can someone actuly put a direct link to the money flag pleaseeee

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