25.09.2010, 18:29
I can't find right coords/offsets (i don't know
) to make a object "hat" look like player is really wearing it. Help plz. It can be any hat!

CMD:hatglow(playerid,params[]){// admin if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { SendClientMessage(playerid,MSGFAIL_COLOR,"Command not available."); return 1; } { new TargetID; if (sscanf(params,"u",TargetID)) { SendClientMessage(playerid,MSGCMDS_COLOR, "Usage: \"/HatGlow <PlayerID/Name>\""); } else { if(TargetID!=INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { SetPlayerHoldingObject(TargetID,1213,2,0,0,0,0,90,0);// the 0 90 0 are the rotation parameters. the 90 is the important part you need i guess } } } return 1; }