explanation on saving then giving

Could Someone Explain To Me how would someone buy something then the other does /getmoney and he gets the money(You Didn't UnderStand That.)

ok like

I walk Into My Business Then I Walk Into The Checkpoint I Buy A Sprunk that should store like $3 into a file or something maybe? so when the owner comes online. he may go to his business and collect the payment made

just need a little explanation before i start it

also what would be behind? x-1?

public OnPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, cordinates?
Then add functions to give the players money
using the right string slot ?
Maybe its something like it

best use a Checkpoint steamer

Maybe i never tryed it...Good luck

you guys dont comprende. not a checkpoint streamer

someone buys something from the store then the owner goes in and gets the cash


You use a enum for the business.

SBizzInfo[0][sbTill] += SBizzInfo[0][sbEntranceCost];

From GF.

Then you add a command for the owner to get the cash out.

are you in wonderland?

nvm this. i will just add the cash to the persons bank account. when someone buys something

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