0.3.7 - DL question!

Well beafore even start thinking of using 0.3.7 - DL I would want Kalcor to answer.

As I'm server owner I don't want to risk a lot so I want to know about 0.3.7 DL plans are u still going to finish it or leave it how it is?

If I start using 0.3.7 - DL when u realese it I will make a lot of changes in my gamemode! So if u continue working on samp updateds will u continue using "download" feature as u call it? Because if I start using custom skins and object there will be a lot of changes in my gamemode. So if u continue developing will the download feature be in those for shure?

And I suppose the rules for copyright will continue to apply?

Sorry for spelling mistakes!


Since some servers still want the downloading feature to be available now, 0.3.8 will be re-released as a seperate SA-MP version called 0.3.7-DL, which will be an optional download and have its own server lists. Parts of the existing 0.3.8 code that aren't related to model downloading will make their way in to 0.3.7 updates. Eventually the downloading feature will be part of a main SA-MP release, but the 0.3.8 version will be skipped.
Source: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=647966

I asked Kalcor to guarantee it! Because I don't want to be stuck on 0.3.7 - DL If there is going to be future updates (and mey be removed from those next version (because everithing is possible) ) I Hope u get it why I ask this question for him (Kalcor) to answer.

I don't know what the exact answer are you asking but it is already stated there that the Download Feature will be dropped for now making 0.3.8 as a branch of 0.3.7 called "0.3.7 DL".

0.3.7 DL is basically the dropped 0.3.8. There won't be changes will be made for 0.3.7 DL anytime soon unless otherwise informed by Kalcor

Originally Posted by NelsonZG
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I asked Kalcor to guarantee it! Because I don't want to be stuck on 0.3.7 - DL If there is going to be future updates (and mey be removed from those next version (because everithing is possible) ) I Hope u get it why I ask this question for him (Kalcor) to answer.
That quote is from Kalcor. So he already asnwered the question before you asked it.

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