26.07.2016, 18:27
That's why it's better to just keep them away. It's more enjoyable to have English speaking users around. There will be one or two people that are just unsupportable, but in overall, it's good to be around them.
This sounds like a script I started coding. Sounds like a great idea to be able to write something up in your native language and it being translated automatically.
Not to mention that not even ****** Translate effectively translates messages. And with other players' grammar, even worse. So in general, regarless if the majority are hackers or not, the answer is no. It will be hard to communicate with others. Then there comes the forum, when I sometimes translate messages on this forum to English. It comes out horribly wrong. It will be hard to communicate with admins that are German.
So again, no. |
Nah you dont have enuff experience then, i know like 12 russians from my steam friends list, 5 of them has vacs lol