can't login to forums

Hello guys...
The problem is I cant login to samp forums
But via mobile phone I can login succesfully
But when I m on pc and open forums in browser.. I just logon but it shows same as foruma for guests...
But at the bottom of foruma I m logged
But at the top it same asks username and pass..
Also after login.. the foruma are for me like guest not as user

Help pls

clear your cookies and all that cached crap on your browser on the PC.

Originally Posted by shadow177
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But via mobile phone I can login succesfully

Help pls
I guess you should use your phone and log in to SA-MP forum from time to time. Or maybe when in your PC, try to open it in the other browsers but although I don't think that will be more accurate.

I installed new browser... but problem is same... in that too...

Sew.. bro I did all that already..
But same prob

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