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can't login to forums - Printable Version

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can't login to forums - shadow177 - 17.11.2015

Hello guys...
The problem is I cant login to samp forums
But via mobile phone I can login succesfully
But when I m on pc and open forums in browser.. I just logon but it shows same as foruma for guests...
But at the bottom of foruma I m logged
But at the top it same asks username and pass..
Also after login.. the foruma are for me like guest not as user

Help pls

Re: can't login to forums - Sew_Sumi - 17.11.2015

clear your cookies and all that cached crap on your browser on the PC.

Re: can't login to forums - Konverse - 17.11.2015

Originally Posted by shadow177
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But via mobile phone I can login succesfully

Help pls
I guess you should use your phone and log in to SA-MP forum from time to time. Or maybe when in your PC, try to open it in the other browsers but although I don't think that will be more accurate.

Re: can't login to forums - shadow177 - 17.11.2015

I installed new browser... but problem is same... in that too...

Sew.. bro I did all that already..
But same prob