Why all of my Admin features not coming in a Dialog_style_msgbox

See this pic:

In this picture .. some lines are missing at the end.

My codes are:
                new dialog[2000];
                strcat(dialog,"\t\t\t{FFAC41}FEATURES {FF00E6}OF {FFAC41}ADMIN LEVEL {FF00E6}1\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator have ability to check player Info.\n");
	        strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Have ability to banned HACKERS.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Having ability to Unban someone.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can ban OFFLINE players.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can Search banned players by a Command.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admin can check players Weapons Info.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Can see Specified Player PING.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Can see specified Player IP.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admin can Fix his vehicle by a simple Command.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admin can Repair his vehicle by a simple Command.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can add Nitros in his vehicle.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Ability to spawn a Tuned Car , There are 10 tuned vehicles.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can Save Place.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}After saving Place , Administrator can Goto that Place directly.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admin can go to there Duty, While on Duty no one try to Kill you.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}With the same Duty command, Player can come back to Playing mode.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can Save there own Skins.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}After saving Skin, Admin can Use it by a Command.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can stop using his personal skin by a simple Command.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can Set his Own personal Time.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admin can Goto to There Admin Base by a Teleport Command.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Having ability to Check Admin config.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admins can see Online V.i.P List.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrator can Change Time to Morning.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Administrators can see Previous Reports by type a Simple Command.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Having ability to see Offline Players Statistic.\n");
		strcat(dialog,"{FF0000}>> {04C4DA}Admins can See Miniguns Ifsomeone Using it , Its especially For Weapon Hackers.\n\n");
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1234,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{FF00E6}FeaTures oF {FFFF00}Admin leVel {FF0000}1",dialog,"Close","");

You've either exceeded the dialog limit or your string is just not long enough so you could try increasing the dialog[2000] to dialog[2100] and see if anything's changed, if not then you pretty much got the dialog limit.

The dialog limit is 2048. You've currently used 2000. Judging by where your text stopped (The 2000th character) adding these 48 cells should just do it. Change new dialog[2000] to new dialog[2048]

ok thx i will try

Wht i need to Add?

new dialog[2048];

Originally Posted by NGEN123
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Wht i need to Add?

new dialog[2048];

:9 same problem .. anyone help me plz plz

Originally Posted by NGEN123
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:9 same problem .. anyone help me plz plz
Watch the Post how they fixed it.

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